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Paradisio   (Belgium)

EuroDance group
Added : 24/01/2000

Discoteca (Remix Album)
Noche Caliente
Best Of
Greatest Hits (20th Anniversary)
Un Clima Ideal
Vamos A La Discoteca
Dime Como
Samba Del Diablo
Vamos A La Discoteca 2001
Luz De La Luna
Bailando me dices adios
Mueve Tu Cucu
Vamos a la Playa
Ritmo De La Noche
93 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Latest Paradisio news

17/02/2022 : Paradisio's hit Bailando which was covered last year by FSDW was remixed by Dan Winter & Ryan T

27/06/2020 : Paradisio published a 2020 version of their hit Bailando

08/04/2020 : New Paradisio frontlady is called Raquel Rodriguez Rodgers

01/07/2019 : Former Paradisio vocalist Irina Sanchez will release a solo single this month entitled De noche.

31/05/2019 : On stage, Paradisio is currently associated to Patrick Samoy's new project by The Latina's Sweet Dolls

21/06/2017 : Today, for their 20 years of carreer, Paradisio released a best of album called Greatest Hits (20th Anniversary). Another album featuring original extended versions for DJ's and entitled The Hottest Summer Tracks Of Paradisio is also planned..

14/06/2016 : After Loona, Paradisio covers Miranda's hit Vamos A La Playa.

More news


Paradisio albums

Paradisio Paradisio 1997
Discoteca (Remix Album) Discoteca (Remix Album) 26th May 1999
Tarpeia Tarpeia 2010
Noche Caliente Noche Caliente 2011
Best Of Best Of 18th Mar 2011
Havana Havana 18th Mar 2011
Greatest Hits (20th Anniversary) Greatest Hits (20th Anniversary) 21st Jun 2017


Paradisio singles

Un Clima Ideal Un Clima Ideal Apr 1994  
Bandolero Bandolero Sep 1996  
Bailando Bailando Sep 1996  
Vamos A La Discoteca Vamos A La Discoteca Jun 1997  
Dime Como Dime Como Oct 1997  
Paseo Paseo Jun 1998  
Samba Del Diablo Samba Del Diablo 26th Jul 1999  
Propaganda Propaganda Jul 2000  
Vamos A La Discoteca 2001 Vamos A La Discoteca 2001 2001  
Luz De La Luna Luz De La Luna 2003  
Bailando me dices adios Bailando me dices adios 11th May 2009  
Mueve Tu Cucu Mueve Tu Cucu (feat. Miguel Fernandez) Video only 2011  
Vamos a la Playa Vamos a la Playa 10th Jun 2016  


Paradisio remixes

Dime Como Dime Como 1997  
Bandolero (Italian Remix) Bandolero (Italian Remix) 1998  
Bailando (Me Dices Adios) 2010 Bailando (Me Dices Adios) 2010 2010  
Bailando 2020 (Corona De Cristales Remix) Bailando 2020 (Corona De Cristales Remix) Jun 2020  


Featurings and collaborations

Ritmo De La Noche DJ Lorenzo - Ritmo De La Noche 1996  


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Paradisio biography

Records company : Arcade Belgium. It started around 1993 when Patrick Samoy and Luc Rigaux better known as The Unity Mixers (aka Unity Power) were deeply impressed by the outstanding voice of a Spanish girl named Marisa Isabel Garcia Asensio. Marisa was born in Malaga, Spain, but currently resides in Belgium.

The first release Un Clima ideal was immediately a smash hit all over Belgium. Their second single Bailando sold worldwide over 1.000.000 copies in less than a year (and 5.000.000 throughout the years). The sexy way in which Marisa sang 'Si senor...' probably reminded a lot of young people of their first summer holiday love. No wonder that it went to #1 in Belgium, Italy, Denmark, Norway, Finland... sold more than 450.000 copies only in France and was the best selling single in Sweden ever (triple platinum!!). The third single Vamos a la discoteca was bingo again. By using a wide range of coloured wigs for every public perfomance Marisa created for herself a distinctive image. In the meantime the full album has been released accross Europe...

Paseo was the last single featuring Marisa. There was also a vocalist called Angie B who appeared in some TV shows, lipsyncing over her voice. It is not known wether her appearances were official or not.

In 1999 Paradisio released a new single called Samba del Diablo featuring a new female vocalist, Sandra De Gregorio (born in Napoli on October 30th 1976) along with Morena Esperanza, her sister, aka Micheline De Gregorio. Under the alias Esperanza, Micheline scored a hit with El Ritmo Caliente (a Patrick Samoy production too) the same year. It was followed by La Propanganda.

2001 : Paradisio released a remake of Vamos A La Discoteca, featuring the voice of Alexandra.

2003 : Paradisio, with a new team made of Peter Gillis and Jacques Bultinck (AB Logic), released a single called Luz De La Luna, featuring the voice of Maria del Rio. A video clip was shot on the beach of a "paradise island".

2005 : Paradisio is currently fronted by Miguel Fernandez.

2008 : new Paradisio frontlady is the Hispano-italian Shelby Diaz. She was chosen after a casting.

2009 : Paradisio released Bailando (me dices adios), which is a remake of the original Bailando, re-written by Shelby herself.

2010 : a digital re-edition of Paradisio's first album was released under title Tarpeia.

2011 : a new album entitled Noche Caliente was released. Among the tracks, 2 of them were performed by Esperanza (Baila Morena and Cultura Do Brazil).

2014 : Indhira Luna replaced Shelby who was pregnant.

2015 : Shelby came back after giving birth to a child.

2017 : in October, Shelby left the project. She was replaced by Irina Sanchez. Christina Sorce was part of the Swedish & Norway tours.

2019 : Paradisio was fronted by The Latina's Sweet Dolls.

2023 : former member Esperanza passed away.

© 1997-1999 Niklas Adolfsson
© Arcade Belgium 1998
Thanks to Klems, Abelito, Tavi Meran, Ivan and Kévin W for the latest infos

Paradisio biography was last updated Tue, July 2nd 2019

Charts (singles)

Belgium Denmark Finland France Italy Netherlands Norway Sweden
Un Clima Ideal #17
Bailando #2 #1 #1 #4 #3 #25 #1 #1
Bandolero #19 #92 #14 #51
Dime Como #36
Paseo #51




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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