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Overett Kelly

Overett (Kelly)   (UK)

AKA : Kelly O
EuroDance group
Added : 20/11/2001

Into the Light
Follow Your Heart
Move It Up
Take Me Away
94 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Latest Kelly Overett news

07/04/2024 : Former Cappella member Kelly Overett created a blog in which she tells about her life

22/11/2023 : Last Sunday, Kelly Overett performed at Heaven Nightclub in London for Raindance event. She shared the stage with breakbeat rave project SL2 (for which she worked as a dancer in 1992) and also performed her Cappella covers along with rapper Dwayne Nosworthy

12/11/2023 : Kelly Overett posted a video of her training the choreography of her version of Cappella's U Got 2 Know she recorded, with new verses

26/08/2023 : Kelly Overett will perform on the stage of Raindance 34th birthday where she did her debut as a rave dancer before entering SL2, then Cappella

27/07/2023 : Kelly Overett recorded a new version of Cappella's Move It Up and will release in next month

21/05/2023 : Kelly Overett shared a lot of videos and pics from the first show she did as Twenty 4 Seven member yesterday. And she also performed some Cappella songs...

07/01/2023 : Former Cappella (and new Twenty 4 Seven) frontlady Kelly Overett was interviewed by Erik Rizzato in his upcoming edition of O Som do k7

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Aliases - Records released under other names

Into the Light Kelly O - Into the Light  
Follow Your Heart Kelly O - Follow Your Heart 28th Aug 1995  
Move It Up Kelly O - Move It Up 7th Aug 2023  
Take Me Away Kelly O - Take Me Away 5th Jul 2024  


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Kelly Overett biography

Kelly Overett was born on 19th of March 1972 in Ipswich. Her mother is called Caroline and her father Andrew aka Andy. She has a brother, Terry and a sister, Danny. Her mother had her take dance and singing courses. She worked as an accountant, then as a model. Kelly began her artistic career at the age of 17 as a dancer on TV-programs. She left her parents' home to follow her boyfriend, who turned out to be an unstable and violent man. Then she worked as dancer for Raindance, Carl Cox, then for breakbeat hardcore project SL2. She appeared in their hits Way In My Brain and On a Ragga Tip's music videos. After she had finished touring with them, a friend of her, who worked as an agent, told her that Cappella was looking for a member. This is how she became Cappella's frontlady from 1993 to 1995.

At that time, according to the interviews she gave, she was still a single person, even if there were rumours about her living with Brian of the boys band East 17. She moved to London in a 5-rooms house she shared with her best friend Lily. She said she was extravert, honest and self-confident... Even if she thought her feet were too big. She liked gymnastics, swimming, sleeping, looking at photo albums and going shopping. For her, the worst thing in life was loneliness. She also hated liars. She admired Madonna. She loved dolphins.

After the first album, the atmosphere within Cappella was going down more and more and she left Cappella get on with her solo career. Her first solo single was entitled Follow Your Heart under the name Kelly-O. Released in 1995, it was then withdrawned from sale. A videoclip was shot, but never aired. Another song was recorded, but it was never released. Then she briefly joined SL2 again when they released On A Ragga tip '97.

Around 2004, Kelly used to work on radio Vibe FM, in Norwich. The station then became Kiss FM in later years and Kelly became the Commercial Director of the Kiss Network, of Planet Rock and then Magic. She is married and has a daughter.

2022 : Kelly opened an Instagram account to share old pics. In December, she joined Twenty 4 Seven to replace Li-Ann who was pregnant.

2023 : Kelly recorded covers of 5 Cappella hits to perform them during the Twenty 4 Seven tour. She released her new version of Move It Up with Nathan Thomas performing the rap parts. In November, she appeared on stage of Raindance event to perform her Cappella covers along with rapper Dwayne Nosworthy. She also danced along with SL2 which was also on the lineup.

2024 : Kelly released a cover of True Faith's 1991 single Take Me Away, along with remixes made by Slipmatt from SL2.

Thanks to Klems
Interviews in Starclub, Popcorn

Kelly Overett biography was last updated Mon, November 20th 2023




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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