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Latest Cristina Orue news
02/03/2024 : Kriss Orue's next single will ba a cover of Europe's anthem The Final Countdown, a collaboration with Jose Mata by Conexion Remember and B2B
27/02/2024 : Last month, Kriss Orue released 2 singles : a collaboration with Gerard Fortuny & Victor Orue entitled Love and a cover of Fame, with Jose Mata & Conexion Remember
Featurings and collaborations
Kriss - Tonight | 1995 |
Kriss - Strangers | 1996 |
Kriss - Tonight | 1996 |
Kryssy - She's In The Rain | 1997 |
Kryssy - Hot Stuff | 1998 |
Jonathan Gomez - Dance Floor | 30th Sep 2013 |
Dany BPM x Jose Mata - Mil Campanas (Ni Tu, Ni Nadie) | 17th Aug 2024 |
Kryssy - She's In The Rain | 1997 |
Aliases - Records released under other names
Kryss y Leo - Valencia Al Cor (album) | 4th Dec 2012 |
Kryss - Tonight Reload 02 | 14th May 2013 |
Kryss - EP Bases | 16th Feb 2022 |
Kriss Orue - Love | 1st Jan 2024 |
Kriss Orue - Fame | 24th Jan 2024 |
Kriss Orue - The Final Countdown | 4th Mar 2024 |
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Cristina Orue biography
Spanish vocalist and songwriter Kristina Oruechevarria was born April 5th in Valencia. She is of Basque descent. Her brother Víctor Orue is a DJ. She started her musical carreer at the age of 15. She had a lot of success as vocalist and frontlady for the eurodance projects Kriss and Kryssy.
Kristina left dance music in 1998 and dedicated herself to Soul, Latin and House music with the well-known Uruguayan producer Leo Almaraz with whom she released several songs with different record labels such as Contraseña Records, Go Music or BMG Eleven, such as Valencia al Cor album in 2012. Years later she would perform with him several versions of her hit Tonight at the request of the public.
2004 : Kristina had the great honor to be the first woman performing the Valencian regional anthem at the Mestalla stadium alongside the V.C.F football team at the presentation of the team, the year they were crowned winners of the LIGA and UEFA.
Afterwards, she started studying sound and production. In 2008, she finished his studies as a sound technician and vocal coach.
2013 : she did vocals on Dance Floor, a single released by Jonathan Gomez. With Leo, she also released a reloaded version of her Kriss hit Tonight, including remixes by Juan Martinez.
More recently, she performed on 90s concerts and festivals in Spain and Latin America, such as Homenaje a la ruta and Yo Amos Los 90s. The song You Wanna Be Free (B-side of Hot Stuff single) was remixed by KLV Project.
2020 : in February she received from her fans in Latin America and Spain a commemorative gold record for the 25th anniversary of her professional career and her hit Tonight.
2022 : with Yolay, she released EP Bases
2024 : she was back with 2 new singles : Love (a collaboration with High Density) and Fame (with Jose Mata & Conexion Remember).
She is working on a Greatest Hits LP, which will include songs such as U Say Me and You Got Me Burning Up.
Cristina Orue biography was last updated Sun, February 25th 2024
Links to Cristina Orue
Official websites
Kriss Orue Fanclub & Management on Facebook
Kriss Orue official website
Kriss Orue on Facebook
Kriss Orue on Twitter
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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