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ODP   (Sweden)

AKA : One DJ Project
EuroDance group
Added : 24/06/2001

Saltador Sidelis
Good Love
Gotta Dance
92 1993 1994


ODP singles

Saltador Sidelis Saltador Sidelis 2nd Dec 1993  
Good Love Good Love Mar 1994  
Gotta Dance Gotta Dance Aug 1994  



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ODP biography

ODP means One DJ Project. It was founded in 1992 by Micke Andersson and Christer Eriksson. Christer had been attending a theater and music school for two years. He had been working with music during his spare time for at least 4-5 years. Micke had been working as a background musician and as a DJ for 11 years (7 years as a professional DJ). This is how he became interested in eurodisco and eurohouse. They met each other in 1992, at a popular "party place" in Stockholm. Christer wanted Micke to become a part of his project because he was a DJ.

In 1993 Fredrik joined ODP. Fredrik worked in a financial company during the year 1994. As for the female vocalists, none of them had been in a music group before taking part to ODP.

The first single was entitled Saltador Sidelis. In the credits, one could read : produced by Dj Micke & Chris.

Their single Gotta Dance was written and produced by Micke Andersson, Stefan Fredin and Christer Eriksson. The vocals were done by by Dame and Ulrika Lindberg who also took part to the lyrics. The track was released in August 1994 under 12Inc Sweden.

The radio version of the second single Good Love was remixed by Basenation (also known as the group Flexx). Good Love was released in November 1994. Lyrics were written by Tina Dolvander. Music & production were done by the usual team : Micke Andersson, Stefan Fredin & Christer Eriksson. An album was planned for release in Spring 1995 but finally it was cancelled.

On the 3rd march 1995, they did a live show in the Swedish city of Haparanda. It was recorded by the radio station SR P3 (which is largest public service network in this country).

Ulrika Lindberg became later a program leader in a dating program in the Swedish commercial channel Kanal 5 during the year 1995.

Thanks to EuroBoy, David Nivin "Captain DJ", Mikoo, Vision and Anders Lennartson for the informations

ODP biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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