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O-Mega   (France)

EuroDance group
Added : 24/01/2000

Come Into the Party
Safe Sex
Dreaming Of A Better World
Peace And Harmony
The Mission
No War
93 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999


O-Mega singles

Come Into the Party Come Into the Party 14th Oct 1994  
Safe Sex Safe Sex 24th Feb 1995  
Desire Desire 24th Oct 1996  
Dreaming Of A Better World Dreaming Of A Better World 21st Sep 1997  
Peace And Harmony Peace And Harmony 16th Apr 1998  
The Mission The Mission 7th Oct 1998  
No War No War 15th Mar 1999  



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O-Mega biography

O-mega are the DJ Antoine Clamaran and the musician Laurent Pautrat. In 1992, they met in a discotheque where Antoine Clamaran was deejaying. Laurent wanted to make him listen to some tracks he had composed. This is how they started collaborating of many project such as 400Hz, Carayaca, D-Plac... and O-Mega. Together they also created their own records company : Clap Productions.

Come Into The Party, released in 1995, featured the voice of Adrian Johnson, who had also contributed, with the vocalist Karine Roiseux, to the anthem Safe Sex. The CD contained an Eurodance mix, a Make Some Noise mix and a Moove mix. It was produced by Loop Production by "Ben" at the 24/24 and then mixed at the AV Studio. It was released under Atoll Music, published by Ascot Music

Desire was with no doubt the better eurodance single released by the project. Once again the rapper was Adrian Johnson. The vocalist was Stéphanie Haïk.

Dreaming Of A Better World was a huge hit in France where it sold more than 250 000 copies and reached # 1.

The vocalist featured on the follow-up singles Peace And Harmony and The Mission was Jessie Hellmers. The single The Mission uses the master recording Music by John Miles and B. Marshall. The B-side is entitled Satisfaction. Once again it was a very big hit and sold gold once again. So did the last single No War.

Afterwards, in 1999, Antoine Clamaran gave up O-mega that he considered to be too "commercial"... and joined the house "french touch" movement.

Antoine Clamaran official website
Thanks to DanceWebSite for the sleeves
Thanks to Laurent Pautrat himself for the detailed discography

O-Mega biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021

Charts (singles)

Dreaming Of A Better World #15
Peace And Harmony #22
The Mission #40




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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