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Me and My

Me and My   (Denmark)

EuroDance group
Added : 08/06/2000

Me & My
Me & My
Let The Love Go On
Let The Love Go On
Fly High
The Ultimate Collection
Baby Boy
Lion Eddie
Touch Of Your Love
Let The Love Go On
Loving You
Every Single Day
So Many Men
Fly High
Sleeping My Day Away
La La Superstar
Too Much Christmas
Selv En Dråbe
94 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Latest Me and My news

10/12/2016 : Stormby did a remix of Me & My's song Two Are Stronger Than One, the song that the sisters performed at 2012 ESC preselections.

30/05/2010 : Me and My's hit single Dub-I-Dub was just remixed and re-released in Denmark as Laywell vs Me & My. (Thanks to Anders Bøgh)

05/04/2009 : Susanne Georgi (Me & My) will represent Andorra with her song La Teva Decision (Get A Life).

02/03/2009 : Susanne Georgi from Me & My recorded a song entitled La Teva Decision (Get A Life) and competed to be selected to represent Andorra at Eurovision Song Contest

17/11/2008 : According to rumors, among the 648 songs competing for Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2009 (the Danish selection to choose the song which will represent Denmark at ESC), one could have been written by Me & My, who already competed to represent Denmark in 2007.

11/12/2007 : Me & My's new album is to be released in the beginning of 2008. No precise release date yet (thanks to Anders Bøgh).

17/11/2007 : Me & My has released a new single to the radios Too Much Christmas (thanks to Anders Bøgh).

More news


Me and My albums

Me & My Me & My (Japanese Release) 1996
Me & My Me & My (Swedish Release) 1996
Waiting Waiting (Japan only) 16th Jan 1997
Let The Love Go On Let The Love Go On (Swedish Release) 1999
Let The Love Go On Let The Love Go On (Japanese Release) 27th Jan 1999
Fly High Fly High 26th Feb 2001
The Ultimate Collection The Ultimate Collection 26th Mar 2007


Me and My singles

Dub-I-Dub Dub-I-Dub 14th Aug 1995  
Baby Boy Baby Boy 11th Nov 1995  
Lion Eddie Lion Eddie 20th Mar 1996  
Touch Of Your Love Touch Of Your Love (Japan only) 7th Aug 1996  
Waiting Waiting 1997  
Let The Love Go On Let The Love Go On 1999  
Loving You Loving You 1999  
Every Single Day Every Single Day 1999  
So Many Men So Many Men 1999  
Fly High Fly High 2000  
Sleeping My Day Away Sleeping My Day Away 2001  
La La Superstar La La Superstar 2002  
Too Much Christmas Too Much Christmas Nov 2007  


Featurings and collaborations

Selv En Dråbe Various - Selv En Dråbe 21st Apr 1999  


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Me and My biography

Records company : EMI-music. Me & My are two Danish sisters Susan and Pernille Georgi.

Before becoming Me & My, the duo were known as "SuPer Sisters" (the word "SuPer" being a compound of the two singers' forenames). Towards the beginning of the 1990s they released two Danish-language albums and tried to enter the 1991 Eurovision Song Contest, but unfortunately Pernille - being 15 at the time - was too young to enter. The song which they were supposed to sing, eventually finished 2nd in the Danish national final.

Their first hit single as Me & My was Dub-I-Dub which led them to success (#1 in Denmark, #2 in Sweden, #8 in Israel). It was produced by Dean 'N and Johnny Jam. It was followed by with three other singles off their debut album Me & My : Baby Boy, Lion Eddie, and Waiting (which included some previously unreleased versions of Lion Eddie, Dub-I-Dub and Baby Boy) and Touch Of Your Love which was only released in Japan.

Sisters wrote most of their material and each song was an instant hit. The album represented an entirely new style of Danish pop music and, as a result, Me & My's sales figures reached almost explosive heights around the world during 1996. Just to give an example, the Georgi sisters sold 1.5 million albums and 750,000 singles in Japan in only one year. "Our number Dub I Dub opened doors, not only for us but also for a lot of other Danish bands", says Pernille. "Everything happened so fast with the first record, that it was really difficult for us to realise what was happening. On the other hand, it gave us a name, a style and a foundation to build upon". In the spring of 1997 they were presented with two Gold Disc Awards for the year's best-selling international album and as best-selling foreign artists in Japan.

Their second album Let The Love Go On deserved the same success. The singles released off of it were Loving You, So Many Men, Every Single Day and Let The Love Go On (which went # 13 in Israel). They also collaborated to a single for charity in Denmark entitled Selv En Dråbe, along with various Danish artists including Tiggy, Aqua, Daze, Cartoons and many others.

Me & My released their third album Flying High in February 2001. Fly High was the first album so far, where Me & My have had full control of the recording process. "Actually, it was a bit like the film Thelma and Louise. We packed the car in Andorra and drove all the way to Germany, where we stayed with our producers Thomas Nöhre and Oliver Hintz", they say.

With Me & My's previous recordings, everything was planned down to the last detail, but this time the process was quite different. "Just the fact that we lived at our producers' place gave us a totally different and much more intense attitude to the work on the album. We didn't have to fly backwards and forwards between studios and different hotels and nobody bossed us around or expected too much of us", continues Pernille. "All this meant that we had enough peace and quiet to be able to take our time and play around with the music".

And this "playing around with the music" is very clear on the new album. Me & My know what they are capable of as well as what they want, so every single number has been chosen to meet strict quality criteria. The different working methods this time gave the sisters the chance to polish up the songs until they sounded as good they possibly could, and this can be heard on the new album. "The numbers on this album had to be certain hits. That was our minimum requirement", says Pernille. "People should be able to listen to the entire album right through. There's enough happy pop music, dance and trance on it to send people off on a musical trip", adds Susanne.

On Fly High, Me & My moved into new genres such as dance and trance. The music was more club-oriented than before, although the album also contained some of the catchy popular hits that the earlier records were so well-known for. "We wanted to show other sides of ourselves, not just the ones that everyone already knows. We have a lot more to offer besides Dub I Duband Let The Love Go On and we felt like being a bit more daring and forthright in the way we expressed ourselves this time", laughs Pernille.

The title number, Fly High once again puts Me & My back on the dance floor as well as at the top of the hit lists. On a number like La La Superstar, Me & My show some nice self-irony as they sing about all the dreams of stardom. When you finally become a star, things turn out to be not quite so glamorous as you expected. The album also features a cover version of D.A.D.'s Sleeping My Day Away in a new dance interpretation that is just bursting with energy. Me & My wrote songs about love and all its consequences. This is a record about life, about having the courage to believe in yourself and in your own ability. It's about keeping an open mind, welcoming new experiences and enjoying sensations, also when you are exposed to the less pleasant sides of life now and again.

The first single Flying high jumped at rank # 1 in air play chart at Radio Jerusalem and it went number 3 on the Danish sales list. November 22nd they performed at the "Scandinavian DJ Convention" in Malmø. Sunday 4th of February 2001 they performed at the 2 year birthday of the Danish radio station "The Voice" in Aarhus. Meanwhile they a gold single for 5.000 sold units of Fly High.

The follow-up was a cover song : Sleeping My Days Away. There was a lot of reactions from the DAD-fans in Denmark, since it's an old rock-song. They had a hard time accepting a new pop version of the smash hit.

April 2002 : Me & My and the danish female-artist Nicole have secretly recorded a brand-new latino/dance-track together : Te Quiero. The 3 girls performed together for the very first time on the 20th of April in KB Hallen, Copenhagen. They are also busy with the making of their new album, and their apperance with Nicole comes as a good surprise for those fans who are waiting for the new album.

2003 : the sisters started working on their new album.

2004 : Susanne started a solo carreer, she plans to move to the USA to record her first album. Her sister Pernille got married with Christopher James and just gave birth to a baby. The fourth Me & My album was almost finished but was postponed...

2006 : in a program about Danish dancemusic broadcasted in May on national TV, Me & My said in an interview that they were still working on a new album. No plans for the release, so it could still take some time.

Me & My competed in the Danish Eurovision 2007 contest, to be selected to represent Denmark in the international event. They performed with the new song Two Are Stronger Than One but were finally not selected.

2007 : in March, Me & My released a best of album entitled The Ultimate Collection. For the 2007 Eurovision Song Contest, Susanne Georgi will be announcing the Danish points.

They'll go in studio to record new material for an upcoming album. This new album was planned for the beginning of 2008, but nothing came out so far...

2013 : the girls announced they planned to work with Me & My again in 2014.

2015 : Dean 'N the producer behind Me & My's breakthrough in 1994, passed away on May 16th at the age of 46 following complications from multiple sclerosis

Roberto Campos - Canadian Eurodance
Dance Artists Infos
Me & My Official Website
Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts positions
Thanks to Anders Bøgh, Morten and Tyler for the latest news

Me and My biography was last updated Fri, March 12th 2021

Charts (singles)

Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Netherlands Norway Sweden Switzerland
Dub-I-Dub #11 #5 #1 #16 #43 #37 #25 #12 #2 #14
Baby Boy #30 #10 #2 #3 #37 #46 #39
Lion Eddie #21 #12
Let The Love Go On #3
Fly High #8
Sleeping My Day Away #20
La La Superstar #15




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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