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Magma Records   (Italy)

EuroDance  label / records company
Added : 06/09/2014



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Magma Records biography

Italian label Magma Records was founded by Raffaello Todesco and Sergio Bonzanni

Magma Records biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021

Magma Records catalog

Artist Title Date Label
Anthony Games Only With A Rap 1994 MAG 03594
Anthony's Games Love Raining In Dance 1993 MAG 02793
AP & Anno Domini Band These Are The Days 1993 MAG 01793
ARM Music Action 1995 MAG 04295
Blue Girl Show Me 1994 MAG 02894
Company Action Everyday 1993 MAG 01193
Duel Go Away 1993 MAG 03094
Elvis Isn't Dead Little Sister 1995 MAG 04095
Elvis Isn't Dead Can't Help Falling In Love 1995 MAG 04195
FO Olaman-Code Sex-Code One 1993 MAG 00493
FO Do You Think Anyway You Want 1993 MAG 01293
Glamour Talk To Me 1993 MAG 02393
Heart Failure Collapse 1993 MAG 02193
Jam & Jan Bad Time 1993 MAG 02593
Jam & Jan It's Not Easy 1994 MAG 03494
JJ Ward I Still Want Your Body 1993 MAG 00593
Ketty DB Spacer 1993 MAG 01993
La'Mina Renato / Tintarella Di Luna 1994 MAG 03894
LENI Catch The Groove 1993 MAG 01393
Lory Lee Let Me Be 1993 MAG 02493
Marab I Wanna Feel Your Hands 1993 MAG 01593
Miky Mouse Electro Party 1993 MAG 00393
Miky Mouse I Like 1993 MAG 01693
Monna Lisa Starway To Heaven 1993 MAG 00193
Ol-Dany Dee feat Buggs Bunny Looney Tunes 1994 MAG 03994
One Use Together 1993 MAG 02093
Original Batucada Levada Dos Timbaus 1993 MAG 02293
Pascha Pascha 1994 MAG 03694
Rio Drago La Macchina Della Musica 1994 MAG 03794
Sabry-N I Got The Power 1997 MAG 04397
Sally Day Your Lover 1993 MAG 01093
Sanza Reel / F.U.S.O. 1993 MAG 00793
Sbam Take On Me 1994 MAG 03294
Sbam You Got Me Burning Up 1994 MAG 03394
Shenna La Isla Bonita / Africo Voodoo MAG 00893
Spirit Shake Your Body 1993 MAG 00693
T&B Come On The Dance 1993 MAG 00993
The End Of The World Techno Extreme 1993 MAG 00293
Tracy Blue In Love With You 1994 MAG 02994
Trance Ltd One More Time 1993 MAG 01893
Underline Across The Doors 1993 MAG 01493




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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