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Latest Magic Motion news
17/01/2025 : New from Magic Motion, single Turn Me On feat. Anna Dror
22/04/2023 : New from Magic Motion, a classic eurodance song entitled Don't Go Away
06/03/2023 : Last week Magic Motion released a new single featuring Anna Dror entitled Are You Ready (For The Night)
25/07/2019 : Magic Motion released a new single entitled Alive, along with an EP containing unreleased tracks (thanks to Gianni)
Magic Motion albums
The Magic Ride | 1998 | BUY
Magic Motion singles
Don't Fly Away | 1996 |
If You Need Me | 1996 |
Wonderland | 1997 |
Good Love | 1997 |
Show Me Heaven | 1998 |
Unreleased | 7th May 2019 |
Alive (with Sannanda) | 10th May 2019 |
Are You Ready (For The Night) (feat. Anna Dror) | 3rd Mar 2023 |
Don't Go Away (feat. Anna Dror) | 21st Apr 2023 |
Turn Me On (feat. Anna Dror) | 17th Jan 2025 |
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Magic Motion biography
Magic Motion was founded in 1996 by songwriters Pierre Ahlm, Fredrik Granelli, and Anders Nyman. They had also contributed to projects such as Future Tone, Logic Devotion, Miracle Base. Female vocalist was Zetma Donoghue, rapper was Fredrik Granelli. Their records were published by Warner Chappell Music Scandinavia AB/ Westin Production.
Their first single Don't Fly Away was released in 1996. Then came single If You Need Me. Third single Wonderland was dropped in 1997, followed by Good Love. In 1998, Show Me Heaven hit the stores, along with album The Magic Ride.
2019 : an EP containing some previously unreleased tracks was released digitally under label MNM Records. A new single entitled Alive was released. It featured their new vocalist Sandra "Sannanda" Oldenstam.
2023 : Magic Motion were back with a new vocalist, Anna Dror, and 2 new eurodance singles : Are You Ready (For The Night) and Don't Go Away.
Thanks to Gianni
Magic Motion biography was last updated Fri, April 21st 2023
Links to Magic Motion
Official websites
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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