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Maad Records   (Germany)

EuroDance  label / records company
Added : 29/02/2024



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Maad Records biography

Division of Warner Music Group Germany Holding GmbH, Maad Records closed in 2001. Its sublabel was DAAM Recordings

Maad Records biography was last updated Fri, March 1st 2024

Maad Records catalog

Artist Title Date Label
100% The Way It Is 1996 0630 16990-0
100% The Way It Is 1996 0630 16991-2
100% Power Of The Light 1994 4509 97664-2
100% Power Of The Light 1994 4509 97665-0
100% Power Of The Light (Remixes) 1994 4509 98879-0
100% Power Of The Light (Remixes) 1994 4509 98880-2
3-O-Matic Hand In Hand 1995 0630 10115-0
3-O-Matic Hand In Hand 1995 0630 10115-2
3-O-Matic Hand In Hand (The Remixes) 1995 0630 11042-0
3-O-Matic Hand In Hand (The Remixes) 1995 0630 11042-2
3-O-Matic All I Want Is You 1995 0630 11832-0
3-O-Matic All I Want Is You 1995 0630 11832-2
3-O-Matic Success 1994 4509 97818-2
3-O-Matic Success 1994 4509 97819-0
3-O-Matic Success (Lucifer's Remixes) 1994 4509 99078-2
3-O-Matic Success (Lucifer's Remixes) 1994 4509 99082-0
35 Degrees Summer Holiday 1996 0630 15281-0
35 Degrees Summer Holiday 1996 0630 15282-2
AIDA All Day 1997 0630 18220-0
AIDA All Day 1997 0630 18221-2
Aleksey Millennium (Der Countdown Läuft) 1999 3984 29343-2
Aleksey Wen Soll Ich Fürchten 2000 8573 81657-2
Aleksey Weltpremiere 2000 8573 82546-2
Aleksey Wen Soll Ich Fürchten 2000 8573 82626-0
Apollo Five Fly 1994 4509 98154-0
Apollo Five Fly 1994 4509 98155-2
B-Charme Wake Me Up 1998 3984 23483-0
B-Charme Wake Me Up 1998 3984 23484-2
Beatbox Feat Rael Let The Music Play2 versions 1998 3984 23767-2
Beatbox Feat. Rael Come Into My Club 1998 3984 25731-2
Beatbox Feat. Rael Come Into My Club 1998 3984 25882-0
Beatbox Featuring Rael Let The Music Play 1998 3984 23767-0
Bed and Breakfast If You Were Mine 1996 0630 11906-2
Bed and Breakfast Stay Together 1995 0630 12843-2
Bed and Breakfast Stay Together 1995 0630 12843-4
Bed and Breakfast Stay Together 1996 0630 13020-0
Bed and Breakfast Stay Together 1995 0630 13020-2
Bed and Breakfast Stay Together 1995 0630 13021-2
Bed and Breakfast If I Could Change The World 1996 0630 14520-2
Bed and Breakfast If You Were Mine 1996 0630 15431-9
Bed and Breakfast I Will Follow You 1996 0630 16480-2
Bed and Breakfast In Your Face 1996 0630-16647-2
Bed and Breakfast In Your Face 1996 0630-16647-4
Bed and Breakfast Falling In Love 1996 0630 17286-2
Bed and Breakfast All I Wanna Do 1997 3984 20127-2
Bed and Breakfast All I Wanna Do 1997 3984 20127-9
Bed and Breakfast The Singles Collection 1998 3984 22037-2
Bed and Breakfast You Made Me Believe In Magic 1995 4509-99532-0
Bed and Breakfast You Made Me Believe In Magic 1995 4509-99533-2
Bed and Breakfast The Best Of (The Single Collection) 1998 3984220374
Big Apple New York, New York 1995 0630 12035-0
Big Apple New York, New York 1995 0630 12036-2
Black Sugar Magic I Wanna Know 1997 0630 18530-2
Black Sugar Magic I Wanna Know 1997 0630 18531-0
Body Base feat. Alexander Thompson My Only Desire 1996 0630 14492-0
Body Base feat. Alexander Thompson My Only Desire 1996 0630 14493-2
Buddha In The Chocolate Box Satisfaction 1997 3984 20334-0
Buddha In The Chocolate Box Satisfaction 1997 3984 20335-2
Buddha In The Chocolate Box Satisfaction (The Remixes) 1997 3984 21600-0
Buddha In The Chocolate Box Satisfaction (The Remixes) 1998 3984 21944-2
C-Block Shake Dat Azz 1996 0630 13558-0
C-Block Shake Dat Azz 1996 0630 13558-1
C-Block Shake Dat Azz (The Remixes) 1996 0630 14676-0
C-Block Shake Dat Azz (The Remixes) 1996 0630 14676-2
C-Block So Strung Out 1996 0630 16331-0
C-Block So Strung Out 1996 0630 16332-2
C-Block So Strung Out 1997 0630-18596-9
C-Block Time Is Tickin' Away 1997 0630 18841-0
C-Block Time Is Tickin' Away 1997 0630 18842-2
C-Block General Population 1997 0630 19159-2
C-Block General Population 1997 0630 19159-4
C-Block So Strung Out 1996 0630 19184-0
C-Block Summertime 1997 0630 19915-0
C-Block Summertime 1997 0630 19916-2
C-Block Summertime 1997 0630 19916-9
C-Block Eternal Grace 1997 3984 21328-0
C-Block Eternal Grace 1997 3984 21329-2
C-Block Broken Wings 1998 3984-22665-2
C-Block Broken Wings 1998 3984-22666-0
C-Block Keepin' It Real 1998 3984-23034-2
C-Block Keepin' It Real 1998 3984-23034-4
C-Block Keep Movin' 1999 3984 28185-2
C-Block Keep Movin' 1999 3984 28339-0
Clubfish Nimm'n 1994 4509 97638-0
Clubfish Nimm'n 1994 4509 97639-2
Clubfish Nimm'n... - Die Remixe 1994 4509 98631-0
Clubfish Nimm'n... - Die Remixe 1994 4509 98631-2
Coco Everyone (One Nation Under One Groove) 1995 0630 11305-0
Coco Everyone (One Nation Under One Groove) 1995 0630 11306-2
Coco I Had A Dream 1994 4509-97123-0
Coco I Had A Dream 1994 4509 97124-2
Coleman Silvia All Around The World 1994 4509-96702-2
Coleman Silvia All Around The World 1994 4509-96703-0
Coleman Silvia Feeling Now The Music 1994 4509 98460-0
Coleman Silvia Feeling Now The Music 1994 4509-98461-2
D Clark The Godfather 1998 3984 20938-0
D Clark The Godfather 1997 3984 20939-2
D Clark Feat. Russ Ballard So You Win Again 1998 3984 24221-2
D Clark Feat. Russ Ballard So You Win Again 1998 3984 24222-0
Daniel Aminati Turn Me Up 1996 0630 15627-2
Daniel Aminati I Want You Back 1997 0630183162
Das System Ohne Dich 1999 3984-28431-2
De Leon Hold Me Tight (Disco Freakshow) 1998 3984 23667-0
De Leon Hold Me Tight (Disco Freakshow) 1998 3984 23668-2
De Leon Feat Myra I Am What I Am (Hmm'!) (The Jam-X-Remixes) 1997 0630 19192-0
De Leon Feat Myra I Am What I Am (Hmm'!) 1997 0630 19193-2
De Leon feat. Myra I Am What I Am (Hmm'!) (Jam-X-Remixes-Edition II) 1997 3984 20392-0
Delicious Delight Forever Mine 1997 3984 20462-0
Delicious Delight Forever Mine 1997 3984 20462-2
Der Verfall Der Verfall 1999 3984 26713-0
Der Verfall Der Verfall #2 1999 3984 26824-2
Der Verfall Vater Unser 1999 3984 29891-2
Der Verfall Vater Unser 1999 8573 80249-6
Der Verfall Abfahrt 1999 8573 81729-0
Der Verfall Der Mussolini 2000 8573 83421-0
Der Verfall Der Mussolini 2000 8573 83474-2
Der Verfall Angst Im Wald 2000 8573 83511-2
Der Verfall Angst Im Wald 2000 8573 84141-1
Der Verfall Angst Im Wald 2000 8573 84170-2
Der Verfall Mit Srecko Abfahrt 2000 8573 81785-2
Dildo, Horny (The Sexmachine) Hab Mich Lieb, Dildo 1998 3984 23120-2
Dildo, Horny (The Sexmachine) Hab Mich Lieb, Dildo 1998 3984 23121-0
DJ Krid P Vs Paco Belucci El Ritmo Del Verano 1998 3984 23847-2
DJ Motion-One Ultimate Melody 2000 8573 85669-2
DJ Pierro Another World 1996 0630 15755-0
DJ Pierro Another World 1996 0630 15756-2
DJ Pierro Human Under Pressure 1997 0630 18222-0
DJ Pierro Human Under Pressure 1997 0630-18223-2
DOM Dirty Games 1997 3984 20713-0
Eightyfour Electro People 1998 3984 23237-0
Eightyfour Electro People 1998 3984 23238-2
Fargo No Way Out 1998 3984 22812-2
Fargo No Way Out 1998 3984 22813-0
Fuse Feat Shirokiya Only You Can Give Me Love 1999 3984266772
Galeria The Gael (We Gotta Party) 1996 0630-16421-0
Galeria The Gael (We Gotta Party) 1996 0630-16422-2
Garcia Vamonos (Hey Chico Are You Ready) 1996 0630 15138-0
Garcia Vamonos (Hey Chico Are You Ready) 1996 0630 15139-2
Garcia Te Quiero, Latina 1996 0630 16543-2
Garcia Te Quiero, Latina 1996 0630 16544-0
Garcia Vamonos (Hey Chico Are You Ready) 1996 0630 16665-9
Garcia Bamboleo 1997 0630 19465-0
Garcia Bamboleo 1997 0630 19465-2
Garcia La Vida Bonita 1998 3984 23675-0
Garcia La Vida Bonita 1998 3984 23675-2
Garcia Kalimba De Luna 1999 3984 27105-2
Garcia Kalimba De Luna 1999 3984 27106-0
Garcia Imagine 1999 8573 80337-2
Groovemaster K & 88 Keys Check Your Love 1997 3984 20232-0
Groovemaster K & 88 Keys Check Your Love 1997 3984 20233-2
Houze 2 Houze Give It Up 1999 3984 28429-2
Lexikon Der Verfall 1998 3984 23611-2
Lexikon Der Verfall 1998 3984 23612-0
LOC Bust It (You Know I'm Leaving) 1998 3984 25588-2
LOC Lift Me Up 1999 3984 29197-2
LOC Lift Me Up 1999 3984 29198-0
Logo Holiday 1995 0630 11811-0
Logo Holiday 1995 0630 11812-2
Lu Cifer Devil In Me 1999 3984 28430-2
M Razzia '99 1999 3984 26708-2
Matador (23) Ritmo Nacional 1995 0630 11204-0
Matador (23) Ritmo Nacional 1995 0630 11205-2
Mondial Amoureux Solitaires 1999 3984 26676-0
Mondial Amoureux Solitaires 1999 3984 26678-2
N 678 All feat. Jean Shy Summernation 1996 0630 14247-0
N 678 All feat. Jean Shy Summernation 1996 0630 14248-2
Ophelia Hand In Hand 1994 4509 98059-0
Ophelia Hand In Hand 1994 4509 98060-2
Opus 808 Winter 1998 3924 22236-0
Opus 808 Winter 1998 3984 22235-2
Opus 808 Winter 1998 398 422236-0
Polaris (2) Frozen Luv 1995 450 999 299-0
Polaris (2) Frozen Luv 1995 450 999 300-2
Skywalker Little Jesus 1995 4509 99851-0
Skywalker Little Jesus 1995 4509 99852-2
Sonic Dream Collective Don't Go Breaking My Heart 1995 450 999 461-2
Sonic Dream Collective Don't Go Breaking My Heart 1995 450999462-0
Soundcage feat Red Dogg Ways Of Life 1997 0630 18035-0
Soundcage Feat Red Dogg Ways Of Life 1997 0630 18036-2
Star We're Only Human 1997 3984-21111-2
Static Gonna Take U Higher 1997 0630-19832-2
Static Gonna Take U Higher 1997 0630-19833-0
Sweetbox Shakalaka 1995 0630 12901-2
Sweetbox Shakalaka 1995 0630 12902-0
Sweetbox Shakalaka (The Remixes) 1995 0630 12903-2
Sweetbox Shakalaka (The Remixes) 1995 0630 12904-0
Sweetbox feat. Jon Wot 1996 0630 14958-0
Sweetbox feat. Jon Wot 1996 0630 14959-2
Sweetbox feat. Tempest Booyah (Here We Go) 1995 0630 10323-0
Sweetbox feat. Tempest Booyah (Here We Go) 1995 0630 10323-2
Sweetbox feat. Tempest Booyah (Here We Go) (Remixes) 1995 0630 11085-0
Sweetbox feat. Tempest Booyah (Here We Go) (Remix) 1995 0630 11086-2
Syntex The Glory Of Love (I Will Never Leave You) 1994 4509 98713-2
Syntex The Glory Of Love (I Will Never Leave You) 1994 4509 98714-0
Treu Herzliche Grüße 2001 maad0001
Unit Live It Up 1994 4509 98618-0
Unit Live It Up 1994 4509 98619-2
United Citizen Federation Feat Sarah Brightman Starship Troopers 1998 3984-22255-2
United Citizen Federation Feat Sarah Brightman Starship Troopers 1998 COLA 040CD
Wave Kid Baby I Need Your Lovin 1995 4509 99848-0
Wave Kid Baby I Need Your Lovin 1995 4509 99849-2
Westwind Sehnsucht 1998 3984 23318-2




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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