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Loyva Timo

Loyva (Timo)   (Finland)

EuroDance producer
Added : 23/02/2024

Latest Timo Loyva news

24/02/2024 : A few days ago, Movetron producer and keyboardist Timo Löyvä passed away

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Productions, co-production, executive production

Voodooman Movetron - Voodooman 1999  
The 4th Dimension Movetron - The 4th Dimension (album) 2000  
Lanteisiin Movetron - Lanteisiin 2011  

Arrangement, recording, engineer

The 4th Dimension Movetron - The 4th Dimension (album) 2000  
Lanteisiin Movetron - Lanteisiin 2011  


Voodooman Movetron - Voodooman 1999  


Soittorasia Movetron - Soittorasia (album) 1996  
Lanteisiin Movetron - Lanteisiin 2011  


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Timo Loyva biography

Timo Johannes Löyvä (aka L.A. Reykjavik) grew up in Alavavutu. He started his carreer as guitarist of the rock band R.A.S.A., that he co-founded with his childhood friend Pauli Hanhiniemi in 1982. The band later was renamed Kolmas Nainen. Meanwhile, he worked as recording artist in Kemu studios in Seinäjoki. Timo left Kolmas Nainen in 1989, to study music recording and production in Los Angeles (USA), and also because he believed that staying in the band longer would ruin his friendship with Pauli. He then returned to Finland to work in studios. He took part to project Local Off with Tommi Lindell and Värttinä in 1992.

With Jukka Tanttari, another childhood friend, he founded Movetron in 1994. He was also their keyboardist. Their debut album Romeo ja Julia reached #1 on the Finnish albums chart and sold double platinum. They did a pause in 2000 and started the project again in 2007. When Kolmas Nainen reunited in 2009, he joined them again. He also produced and contributed to the recording and arrangement of Lollipop's eponymous album in 2000.

2024 : he passed away on February 21st from a disease which quickly evolved. He was only 59

Timo Loyva biography was last updated Fri, February 23rd 2024




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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