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Lombardoni (Severo) (Italy)
AKA : Bobby Flexter
EuroDance producer
Added : 16/12/2009
Latest Severo Lombardoni news
08/03/2012 : Italian producer Severo Lombardoni died last 13th February of an intracranial hemorrhage.
Productions, co-production, executive production
Arrangement, recording, engineer
Age Of Bass ft. Maria Capri - All That She Wants | 1993 |
The Politicians - Comandante Che Guevara | 1994 |
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Severo Lombardoni biography
Severino "Severo" Lombardoni was born 7th March 1949 in Pedrengo (Bergamo, Italy). He was the oldest child of Francesco Lombardoni and his wife Francesca. He had 2 sisters : Anna and Ornella, and a brother Vittorio, all of them working in the music industry. Severo attended technical college in Seriate from 1960 to 1963 and graduated at the Conservatorio “Giuseppe Verdi” di Milano in 1969. He played several instruments; including the trombone, the piano, the accordion und the guitar. For some years after he played in several local bands. He also worked for a year as a music teacher at a junior school. In 1974 he opened a record shop in his home town of Seriate. In 1977 he moved to Milan and set up a record-wholesale business.
He founded in 1981 Discomagic S.r.l in Milan, as well as the publishing company Lombardoni Edizioni Musicali, and was its chairman. He created several sub-labels to promote different music genres : Time Records, DWA, RARE and GGM. He is known as a pioneer of Italo-Disco and Italo Dance music.
In 1988 Severo established Lombardoni Musik GmbH in Germany and by 1990 the company was listed in the top ten of the most successful music publishers in Germany.
1997 : Due to financial problems, the company closed and Severo was forced to sell the main label and its catalogue, to the German ZYX Music.
2012 : Severo died on February 13th of an intracranial hemorrhage
Severo Lombardoni biography was last updated Fri, March 9th 2012
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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