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Libra   (Italy)

EuroDance group
Added : 24/01/2000

Another Night
Fill Me Up
Dreaming Of You
A Second Chance
Let Me Go
Take Me With Your Love
So Close To The Heavens
95 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Latest Libra news

27/04/2000 : Libra released their new single Listen 2 days ago.

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Libra singles

Another Night Another Night 21st May 1996  
Fill Me Up Fill Me Up 11th Nov 1996  
Dreaming Of You Dreaming Of You 21st Jan 1997  
A Second Chance A Second Chance 21st Apr 1997  
Let Me Go Let Me Go 1998  
Take Me With Your Love Take Me With Your Love 10th Jun 1998  
Listen Listen 25th Apr 2000  
So Close To The Heavens So Close To The Heavens 24th Oct 2000  



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Libra biography

Libra is a project of SAIFAM Publishing Group. It featured many female vocalists. All the singles were released as vinyls under the label 21st Century records.

Libra's first single was the gorgeous eurodance song Another Night. It was produced by S. Ghilardi and D. Roosen, composed and written by S. Ghilardi, D. Roosen, Mauro Farina and Fabio Serra. The vinyl incuded 3 versions : a Dance Mix, a Progressive Mix and a Radio Edit. Then came the Fill Me Up, also released in 1996.

It was followed in 1997 by the awesome track Dreaming Of You. Behind this single stood the same musical and production team. The vinyl included a Onemeter Hair Mix, a Factory Team Mix and a Radio Edit.

A Second Chance was Libra's fourth single. It was once again a very powerful eurodance song. There were 3 mixes to be found on the vinyl : a Factory Team Mix, a Dub mix and Radio edit.

The single Let Me Go does not appear in SAIFAM's catalogue, maybe it was only released on compilations.

Take Me With Your Love was released in 1998, it came in 3 flavours : Factory Team Mix, Train Express Mix and 7" Edit.

Libra's 2 last singles were released in 2000 : Listen (with a Factory Dance Mix, a Turatti's Touch and a Factory Alternative Mix), followed by So Close To The Heavens (with only 2 versions : the classic Factory Team Mix and a Batuca Mix)

Not to be confused with the Canadian project Libra and with the group Libra presents Taylor Anamoly.

Libra biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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