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Lenin   (Russia)

EuroDance group
Added : 18/11/2003

Magic Tour
93 1994


Lenin albums

Magic Tour Magic Tour 1994


Lenin singles

Mystery Mystery Video only 1994  



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Lenin biography

Lenin was a project built around Andrey, a multitalented artist : as well vocalist, rapper & dancer. The exclusive producer, songwriter and arranger of project was equally multitalented Yuri Chernavsky. He had been writing the songs for many Russian pop stars since the begining of 80's. Before 1990 he was the co-owner of studio Record, where he used to work with pop singers. In the beginning of 90's he left Record and went to Germany. In 1994 Chernavsky took part to the project Mark'Oh (Tears Don't Lie, Never Stop That Feeling) at studio How's That Music Prod. GmbH. Since 1995 and to this day he's been living and working in Hollywood.

In april 1994 Yuri Chernavsky invited Andrey in Germany to record two songs for a musical project of the company Max C International Incorporation. The English and German musicians were frankly surprised when they saw a guy from Russia who was able to work in the popular eurodance style and to sing so well in English. The recording of songs followed quickly. The result was so amazing that the decision to record a whole album was soon taken.

Among the artists who collaborated with Andrey to the album, were Samira Besic herself (on Mystery, and maybe on the track Get Up And Dance too), Bruce & Bongo (famous for their hit Geil), the rapper Smi Ling from New York, and the African singer Coffee.

The best tracks from the album Magic Tour were probably Mystery, Get Up An Dance and At Your Desire, 3 powerful eurodance tracks. 4 Tea 4 You was the eurodance remake of the single Everybody Gonfi-Gon, originally performed by Two Cowboys. One video was shot, for the single Mystery. The album was released under the label Pikosso records / How's That Music Prod. GmbH.

Thanks to Anton "MC Kasper" Skaletsky

Lenin biography was last updated Mon, April 22nd 2024




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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