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Latest Lana news
20/06/2016 : Lana 's new single Run Away was released last week.
26/03/2016 : Lana published a demo version of her forthcoming single Run Away, planned for April 2016.
05/03/2016 : Pulse Of The Beat volcalist Lana's next solo single will be entitled Run Away.
20/10/2015 : Lana's new song and video is entitled Happy.
02/08/2015 : Discover the videoclip forLana's new song Our Love.
09/02/2015 : Lana published the videoclip for her new single Dance (thanks to Tom).
16/11/2014 : Discover Magic and High, 2 new songs by Lana (Pulse Of The Beat), that she wrote and composed herself.
Lana singles
Kiss You | 25th Jan 2014 |
Take Me On | 22nd Apr 2014 |
Dance | 1st Feb 2015 |
Run Away | 12th Jun 2016 |
Featurings and collaborations
Pulse Of The Beat - Arrhythmic | 22nd Aug 2013 |
X-Tension - It's Christmas 2013 | 2nd Dec 2013 |
Pulse Of The Beat - Try My Kisses | 17th Jan 2014 |
Michal and Lana - Don't Break My Heart | Apr 2014 |
X-Tension - Stay The Night | 21st Sep 2015 |
Pulse Of The Beat - Touch | 3rd Sep 2021 |
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Lana biography
German singer-songwriter Lana (real name : Sabrina) Dittrich comes from Stuttgart. She was lead singer of the German eurodance project X-tension. She also did vocals for project Pulse Of The Beat and was member of German-speaking duet Lana & Dany.
2014 : In January, Lana released her first solo single Kiss You. It was entirely written and composed by Lana herself, based on very personal experiences, and she collaborated with producer and songwriter Tom Payle to create some new versions for an official release. Her next single was entitled Take Me On.
2015 : in February, she released a new single and videoclip : Dance. In August she published her new solo single Our Love
2016 : she released the single Run Away
Lana nowadays works as a wedding singer
Thanks to Mike
Lana biography was last updated Mon, September 13th 2021
Links to Lana
Official websites
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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