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Lady Violet

Lady Violet   (Italy)

EuroTrance group
Added : 20/11/2001

The First Steps Of Lady Violet
Inside To Outside
Beautiful World
Lovin You Baby
Calling Your Name
No Way No Time
In Your Mind
Dancing For Love
98 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Latest Lady Violet news

07/10/2024 : Dino Brown did a remix of Lady Violet's hit Inside To Outside

21/11/2019 : Lady Violet's hit Inside To Outside was covered by Alice Astourian.

03/06/2013 : After Kimara and Neja, it's Lady Violet's turn to have her first success gathered on a digital EP.

17/11/2007 : Lady Violet's Inside To Outside was covered by DJ Marco Polo.

More news


Lady Violet albums

The First Steps Of Lady Violet The First Steps Of Lady Violet 30th May 2013


Lady Violet singles

Inside To Outside Inside To Outside 12th Oct 1999  
Beautiful World Beautiful World 25th Apr 2000  
Lovin You Baby Lovin You Baby 6th Nov 2000  
Calling Your Name Calling Your Name Jan 2001  
No Way No Time No Way No Time 14th Oct 2001  
In Your Mind In Your Mind 8th Jul 2002  


Lady Violet remixes

Inside To Outside (Dino Brown remix) Inside To Outside (Dino Brown remix) 27th Sep 2024  


Featurings and collaborations

Dancing For Love Soriani Bros - Dancing For Love Jan 2004  


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Lady Violet biography

Francesca Messina aka Lady Violet is a real countess. She originates from a Florentine ancient noble race of 600. Her life has always been conditioned by the usual rules and ceremonials of the noble life, but which she has never accepted, because her real nature makes her love freedom, sincerity, passions and transgressions. She has never accepted any sort of restriction, and her impulsive temper has always created several problems between her and her noble familiars and especially with a very traditionalist and conservator uncle.

"I fell in love with dance music when I was really young" Lady Violet tells, "and I always secretly listened to it closed in the bathroom, dancing and doing my make up at the mirror; I wanted to be a singer since then, but I knew that my parents and my uncle in particular would have never approved and supported my choice." This did not prevent her from becoming a member of a cappella vocal ensemble Jubilee Shouters in 1994 and touring with them during several years.

"One night, at my friend’s birthday party I sang a song for him and another boy, who was at the party too, consequently noticed me and asked me if I wanted to sing a song he had been planning for a long time: a remake of a Limahl’s song of the 80s. His way of asking me was between serious and funny, but I immediately accepted with no hesitation anyway. I sang Inside To Outside (cover of a song originally sung by Limahl) and my discographer story began." The idea to give her a little halo of mystery was really born from Lady’s need not to reveal the new life to her familiars (her uncle would exclude her from the family heredity). The name Violet came from her passion for this flower… As for Lady, her noble origins oblige to a natural elegance in the name as well…

"With Inside To Outside I realised my biggest dream : being a singer and performing on stage dancing and enjoying with the people ! Dance music is the only musical genre which really allows you to easily get in touch and communicate with the audience" Lady Violet says, adding that however her blue blood, she feels as any other normal girl, just wishing to enjoying and living her own life. Unfortunately her traditionalist and conservator uncle recognised her watching a TV show : he was really surprised and angry to see her with a violet wig, so much that he didn't want to speak with her anymore ! But it was too late to stop her, and anyway she did not wish to. After being accredited as one of the best dance acts in her native country, climbing all the charts both of sales and radio, the single was a gold record in Denmark and Sweden and also scored chart positions in France, Belgium and Spain. The UK release occured end of September with a special remix. Entering all the international charts, she also appeared on all main music TV shows and dance events across Europe for all the Summer long!

Taken off her purple wig, her success was confirmed and established with the release of her second single Beautiful World, out Italy in April 2000, and with the participation to one of the most important Italian music TV show : Festvalbar 2000. The European release was scheduled between end of August and September: in Belgium it immediately entered the play lists of the main networks, and in France, it was the highest new entry in the club and sales charts. In the meantime, Francesca started working in the studio on her first album, planned for release in Autumn. The album, which would contain songs remixed by Bini & Martini, Triple X, Frank'O Moiraghi, and Clutch, was never released...

Later, it was revealed that vocals on Inside To Outside belonged to Melody Castellari. Inside To Outside had probably been recorded before the project was built around Francesca, because she proved she was also able to sing since she performed the vocals on the next singles...

2004 : Lady Violet was featured on Soriani Bros' single Dancing For Love. But at that time, Francesca Messina had already left the project to pursue a theater actress carreer and go to the university. She graduated with a degree in history in 2005, then started studying dubbing with Giorgio Lopez.

2007 : in November, Inside To Outside was covered by DJ Marco Polo.

2008 : Francesca Messina founded a rock band called La Materia Strana. She shared the stage with Take Six, Trilok Gurtu, Daniel Ezralow, CSI, Marisa Fabbri, Lucia Poli, Lella Costa...

2013 : she founded the project Femina Ridens. Her first (self-titled) album under this stage name was recorded in Italian language in Niccolò Gallio studios under label A Buzz Supreme.

2015 : she released the album Schiaffi under project name Femina Ridens.

2019 : Lady Violet's hit Inside To Outside was covered by Alice Astourian

2022 : the third Femina Ridens studio album Kalenda Maya was released. It was freely inspired from medieval songs

Lady Violet Official homepage
Lady Violet at New Music International Italy
Thanks to Klems for the latest news

Lady Violet biography was last updated Wed, October 26th 2022

Official websites




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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