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La Strada

La Strada   (Poland)

EuroDance group
Added : 21/07/2009

The Best
Slowa To Wiatr
Taka Jestem
Tylko Ja
Kraina Snów
Tresce Tamtych Dni
Taka Jestem
Zapisanie w niebie
To Byl Blad
Kraina snow tylko dla nas
95 1996 1997 1998 1999


La Strada albums

The Best The Best
Slowa To Wiatr Slowa To Wiatr 1996
Taka Jestem Taka Jestem 1996
Tylko Ja Tylko Ja 1996
Kraina Snów Kraina Snów 1997
Tresce Tamtych Dni Tresce Tamtych Dni 1997
97/99 97/99 1999


La Strada singles

Taka Jestem Taka Jestem Video only 1996  
Zapisanie w niebie Zapisanie w niebie Video only 1996  
To Byl Blad To Byl Blad Video only 1996  
Kraina snow tylko dla nas Kraina snow tylko dla nas Video only 1997  



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La Strada biography

Label : Blue Star. La Strada was a project of Sławomir Skręta featuring Tomasz Nerkowski, Adam Łukowski and dancer Katarzyna Zawadzka. Before becoming the project's frontlady, Katarzyna had appeared in a few videoclip, such as Bayer Full's Majteczki w kropeczki” and Atlantis' Hej boys. According to rumors, she was not the project's real voice : Alina Pszczółkowska (Lady Dance) did the vocals and Katarzyna lipsynced on stage.

Their first album Tylko Ja was recorded in K&K Studio in Poznań and in Star Makers Studio 1996, where it was also mixed. Sophomore album Słowa To Wiatr shortly followed : recorded In Star Maker Studio in Warsaw in May-June 1996, produced by Jacek Kruszewski and Sławomir Skręta, it was released the same year. Still in 1996, they released EP Taka Jestem, which contained a few tracks from Słowa To Wiatr. Katarzyna Zawadzka married the project's producer, they had a son called Adrian.

Third album Kraina Snów was recorded in Star Maker Studios in Warsaw, in September-October 1996, released in 1997. Biały Latawiec was a cover of a song originally performed by Wawele, (Que No Sa) Ty Nie Tańczysz was a cover of a Que No Sa by Magazine 60, originally released in 1987. Baby Blue was a cover version of a Gina T song.

Fourth album Treść Tamtych Dni was produced by 2 Marx, released in 1998 under Polside Music. The following year, they released the best of album 97/99

Thanks to Klems

La Strada biography was last updated Wed, November 20th 2019




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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