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Latest La Cream news
08/08/2004 : Tess (ex vocalist of La Cream) is back with a single called The Second You Sleep (thanks to Scott Kim).
La Cream albums
Sound & Vision | 1998 | BUY
La Cream singles
Château d'Amour | 1997 |
You | Dec 1998 |
Free | 1999 |
Say Goodbye | 11th Jun 1999 |
Productions, co-production, executive production
Waldo's People - Let's Get Busy | 20th Jun 1998 |
Arrangement, recording, engineer
Waldo's People - Let's Get Busy | 20th Jun 1998 |
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La Cream biography
Production : Dr Records (directed by Dr Alban). The name is originally the name of the producer group that has made songs and remixes for many bands. La is a feminine article in French language and because Tess is singing in French and English it suits the songs.
Songstress/dancer Tess Mattisson and DJ/producer Andréz met at Dr Records studio while they both were working with different projects. Meanwhile they got to know each other, and with Tess stage habit combined with Andréz producer and DJ experience it turned out to be a 'hit'. They decided to bring out multicultural modern music so the lyrics contains a mixture of French, Spanish and English. In May´98 they worked in the studio and the result came out as their debut single Château d´Amour. No videoclip was shot.
The duo hit the charts again with their second single You. Their strong position on the Swedish Dance Chart showed a good grip on the DJs. The big step on the Music Control Radio Chart created just the position that the duo wanted. Both singles could be found on La Cream's debut album Sound And Vision which was released in all of Scandinavia. Follow-up wingle was entitled Say Goodbye.
The cover of Dr. Alban's hit This Time I'm Free called Free adds to their singles : "It's a very special track for me personally. When it was released in 1994 I was working as a dancer. I've danced a lot that song. No artists have had the opportunity to make cover of Dr. Alban's tracks. I really appreciated it when he said that I can do a cover of his old songs if I want to. He likes this project and me as an artist and believes in us so we had the chance to make it" says Tess. Videoclip was shot in Mallorca, Spain
© Dr Records
La Cream biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021
Links to La Cream
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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