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LOFT   (Germany)

EuroDance group
Added : 24/01/2000

Wake The World
Future World
Greatest Hits
Best Of Loft
Energy Of Loft
The 2k21 Collection
New World
Summer Summer Summer
Hold On
Love Is Magic
Wake The World
Don't Stop Me Now
Free Me
It's Raining Again
Long John Silver
Summer Summer Remix
Still No1
Love Can't Be Wrong
Summer Summer 2k21
Techno Party
Jamaican Roots
Summer Summer 2022
92 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Latest LOFT news

23/06/2022 : The 2022 remixes package by De Lancaster produced by Frank Winkelmann (Experience of Music) for LOFT's first single Summer Summer Summer will be released tomorrow

12/11/2021 : LOFT's next single will be entitled Jamaican Roots and it is planned for next month (Thanks to Krasi)

04/11/2021 : LOFT are planning to release a new album. New World will gather the 2k21 Collection tracks as well as some eurodance tracks

16/10/2021 : LOFT's next single will be entitled Techno Party

05/10/2021 : LOFT are working on an expanded edition of their 2k21 collection, and it will include a brand new track entitled Jamaican Roots

01/08/2021 : LOFT will release a best of entitled The 2k21 Collection, with remixes from Bmonde, Greg & Angleman and Experience of Music

01/07/2021 : LOFT's next single will be a brand new song entitled Open Heart

More news


LOFT albums

Wake The World Wake The World 1994
Future World Future World 29th May 1995
Greatest Hits Greatest Hits 1999
Best Of Loft Best Of Loft 14th Apr 2017
Energy Of Loft Energy Of Loft 19th Apr 2017
The 2k21 Collection The 2k21 Collection 27th Aug 2021
New World New World 26th Nov 2021


LOFT singles

Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 10th May 1993  
Hold On Hold On 2nd Nov 1993  
Love Is Magic Love Is Magic 22nd Feb 1994  
Wake The World Wake The World 5th Aug 1994  
Don't Stop Me Now Don't Stop Me Now 1995  
Free Me Free Me 7th Jul 1995  
It's Raining Again It's Raining Again 9th Oct 1995  
Mallorca Mallorca 3rd Sep 1996  
Long John Silver Long John Silver 20th Jun 1997  
Summer Summer Remix Summer Summer Remix Aug 2003  
Still No1 Still No1 2004  
Love Can't Be Wrong Love Can't Be Wrong 2005  
Gigolo Gigolo Jul 2005  
Summer Summer 2k21 Summer Summer 2k21 16th Jul 2021  
Techno Party Techno Party 29th Oct 2021  
Jamaican Roots Jamaican Roots 3rd Dec 2021  
Summer Summer 2022 Summer Summer 2022 24th Jun 2022  


LOFT remixes

Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 1993  
Hold On Hold On 1994  
Love Is Magic Love Is Magic 1994  
Don't Stop Me Now Don't Stop Me Now 1995  



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LOFT biography

Loft stands for 'Live Our Fathers' Teaching'. The members are the Jamaican rappers Courtney Dean St Patrick Williams and Richard Wayne Williams, aka Ranking Richie, and various vocalists, including Lori Glori Gina Mohammed, Sandra Steinborn and Kim Sanders. Produced by DMP (Michael Eisele and Dietmar Stehle), Loft made a very upbeat sound, varying from eurodance to euro-reggae.

Born in Kingston, Jamaica, the Williams brothers came to Germany with the US-Army. In Nürnberg they worked at the same time in a small recording studio in which demos for newcoming artists were produced.

All the singles became eurodance classics. The first one was Hold On, which peaked # 8 in Israel. It featured the voices of Kim Sanders and Magdalena Reyes. The texts were written by Nosie Katzmann with C. & R. Williams, the music was composed by Attack II, Giora Schein and Nosie Katzmann. It was recorded in 1993 and released the following year. A remixes single was also released, included a 3-nuts mix and a mix by TNT.

Wake The World, the debut album of Loft, was something very surprising. By the time of its release, there was nothing alike in the market, so innovation was the word. It featured the voice of Gina Mohammed apart from Hold On and Live It Up (which used vocals of Lori Glori). Gina was actually the first LOFT singer, but she left to marry her boyfriend, follow him to the US and give birth to a baby.

It was followed by the hits Wake The World (with remixes done by Thorsten Adler, who also co-wrote the track Mad) and Love Is Magic. Even the one which flopped (only # 21 in Israel), Summer Summer Summer, was a great euro-reggae anthem.

Future World was the second album of Loft. Released in 1997, its sound was still great eurodance, fortunately with less reggae influences than the previous one. At this time, LOFT vocalist was not Gina anymore, she had been replaced by Sandra Steinborn. The production team was still done by the Cyborg team , DMP and Nosie Katzmann.

The single tracks, Don't Stop Me Now (featuring Sandra) and It's Raining Again were the best ones (the last one sounded very DJ Bobo-ish since it was written by Axel Breitung and featured vocals by Christiane Eiben).

Afterwards, 2 new singles not featured on the album were released. With Long John Silver they went back to their euro-reggae roots. Their last single, Mallorca, was a homage to one of the most beautiful islands in Europe. It went #1 in Mexico and was even covered by a project called My Orca. Afterwards they decided to make a pause.

1999 : they released a Best Of album including a previously unreleased track : Hang On Sloopy.

2003 : LOFT, like many German eurodance groups, released a 2004 version of their hit Summer Summer Summer

2004 : LOFT are back for good with a brand new single called Still Number One. The Courtney brothers were is still a part of the group they created, but the female vocalist was new. They had teamed up with new producers : Andreas Hüging and M. Abbing, and the manager Marino Menichelli. The sound was definitevely ragga, but the B-side We Pray was dance.

Sue, the new vocalist, is also a bassist and composer. In 15 she created her first own band, ThisBadLife, renamed ElectricCircus... The trend was punk. An album had been recorded, and the group even toured. She took part as vocalist to the project Naive in 1997. She released a solo single called Bliss in February 2004.

2005 : the new single was entitled Love Can't Be Wrong. Written and composed by C. and R. Williams along with Andreas Huging, it was licensed under Warner Chappel and contained a B-side called Loft Scratch. An album was planned. The following tracks could be included : Ayaya, Bliss, Close, Free For You, Illuminare, Love Can't Be Wrong, Love In Motion, No More, Scratch, Still Number One, To You, We Pray, Windy Night.

2006 : Sue was featured on Reunion of Dance's first single Rebirth of Tonight

2014 : in Spring, Richard Williams died on sudden illness as he was only 51.

2016 : LOFT performed on Panamericana Televisión and in disco Coco’s in Lima (Peru) with Gina Mohamed as female vocalist and a mysterious second rapper called A U Author Untitled aka Us Asual... It was revealed later that he was actually Richard Williams' son.

2019 : new LOFT vocalist for concerts and festivals is called Rosalina Biolan.

© Eurodancemix
Interview by Juha Soininen in book Move Your Body (2 The 90's): Unlimited Eurodance
Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts positions

LOFT biography was last updated Sat, November 13th 2021

Charts (singles)

Austria Finland Germany Switzerland
Summer Summer Summer #29 #7 #10 #36
Hold On #26 #19 #21 #30
Love Is Magic #25 #7 #25 #32
Wake The World #15
Don't Stop Me Now #17 #61




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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