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Latest Natalya Kudrina news
17/02/2019 : Discover the videoclip for Natalya Kudrina's new single Nepobedimaya. It was directed by Andrey Leskin and operated by Pavel Romanenya.
05/02/2019 : Di Bronx & Natali singer Natalya Kudrina's new song Nepobedimaya (means "invincible" in Russian) was composed by Di Bronx, and competed for Eurovision preselections, but was not selected.
15/06/2018 : Current Di Bronx & Natali singer Natalya Kudrina just released her new solo single Na Chasti along with a lyrics video.
15/03/2018 : Current Di Bronx & Natali vocalist Natasha Kudrina is currently planning a solo comeback under name Kudrina.
Featurings and collaborations
Di Bronx and Natali - Zemlya Mechti (album) | 1997 |
Di Bronx and Natali - Potomu Shto (album) | 2002 |
Di Bronx and Natali - Potomu Shto (Because) (album) | 2002 |
Street Masters - Ya Odna | 2005 |
Di Bronx and Natali - Bolshe Schastlivykh Lyudey | 13th Dec 2024 |
Aliases - Records released under other names
Venera - Venera (album) | 2007 |
Venera - The Thing | 2008 |
Kudrina - Na Chasti | 14th Jun 2018 |
Kudrina - Nepobedimaya | 7th Feb 2019 |
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Natalya Kudrina biography
Natacha aka Natalya or Natasha Kudrina (Наталья or Наташа Кудрина) studied at Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts. She replaced Natali Artemova as vocalist for the D-Bronx & Natali project in 1996.
2004 : she released some solo singles : Ty and Bez Tebya (meaning Without You - a video clip was shot for this song). She announced that her first solo album, that she had began to write as she was still a member of Di Bronx & Natali, was almost ready for release. The style would be pop, she was not willing to keep on singing dance, since it was not her favourite style.
2005 : Natalya released a single with Street Masters entitled Ya Odna (I'm Alone).
She released the single Vse proydet (Everything has gone away), a cover of old Russian song by singer & actor Michail Boyarsky. She is now known under the stage name Venera. he is how she describes her new style : "This is not RnB, pop or rock - it is a completely new style, for which a title was not invented yet".
2007 : she released her studio album Venera.
2009 : she joined Svetlana Loboda in her campaign agains violence to women. She took part to the preselections of Eurovision Dance Contest 2009 with dancer Pavel Grebenkin.
She started working as a stylist, fashion producer and designer. She founded Nameout.wear
Thanks to Klems
Natalya Kudrina biography was last updated Mon, March 5th 2018
Links to Natalya Kudrina
Official websites
Kudrina Fashion on Instagram
Natalya Kudrina on Instagram
Venera Kudrina on Facebook
Venera Kudrina on VKontakte
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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