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Latest Maki Kolehmainen news
06/06/2024 : Aikakone producer and composer Maki Kolehmainen died a few days ago
Productions, co-production, executive production
Sani - Pedon Kynnet (album) | 29th Aug 2007 |
Arrangement, recording, engineer
Aikakone - Tähtikaaren Taa | 6th Mar 1995 |
Aikakone - Taas Saan Lentää | 12th Jun 1995 |
Aikakone - Alla Vaahterapuun | Aug 1995 |
Aikakone - Odota | 6th Nov 1995 |
Aikakone - Tulisitko | 1997 |
Aikakone - Tähtikaaren Taa | 6th Mar 1995 |
Aikakone - Taas Saan Lentää | 12th Jun 1995 |
Aikakone - Alla Vaahterapuun | Aug 1995 |
Aikakone - Odota | 6th Nov 1995 |
Aikakone - Tulisitko | 1997 |
Aikakone - Taas Saan Lentää | 12th Jun 1995 |
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Maki Kolehmainen biography
Finnish producer and composer Marko Juhani "Maki" Kolehmainen (aka Vitun Säveltäjä) was born in Helsinki on May 18th 1966. he started his musical carreer in 1989, working for artists and bands such as Eini, Lea Laven and Marion. In the 90s, he co-founded of the very successful Aikakone project, later renamed Aika.
2002 : he composed Finland's representative song Addicted to You for Eurovision Song Contest in 2002 for singer Laura Voutilainen. The song scored 24 points and ranked 20th
2003 : he composed several songs for the real-TV show IdolsSuomi candidates Hanna Pakarinen, Antti Tuisku and Anna Abreu. He also did and produced songs for Janina Frostell
2007 : he was executive producer on former Aikakone singer Sani's Pedon Kynnet album, for which he composed and arranged several songs.
2012 : he contributed to Meiju Suvas' Missä Milloin Vaan album.
2013 : he stood behind many songs for Janne Leino's schlager album Suloinen. He also did songs for Laura Voutilainen.
2014 : he co-woorked on most of the songs on Kurre's album Suuri Mahdollisuus
2021 : in January, he co-produced the single Frontside Ollie for Robin Packalen. The song received millions of views in a few days. Then he composed Kuuden vuoden kuuliaisuus (Six years of obedience), a song performed by Kurre, dedicated to candidate Sauli Niinistö running for 2012 presidential election (he won).
He was married twice and had four children from his first union. He founded the company Maki Kolehmainen Productions and created his own record company, called received a special Emma award for his life's work for the Finnish music scene
He died on June 3, 2024
Maki Kolehmainen biography was last updated Wed, June 5th 2024
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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