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Johnny Kelvin singles
Satisfaction Guaranteed | 26th Jul 1994 |
Take You Home | 8th May 1996 |
Love Come Home | 2000 |
Johnny Kelvin remixes
Satisfaction Guaranteed if($ft[6]!="") { echo " (".stripslashes($ft[6]).")" ;} // commentaire ?> | 1994 |
Featurings and collaborations
2 Fabiola - My Attitude | 1993 |
T-Spoon - See The Light | Apr 1995 |
Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo - On Air (album) | 1996 |
Prhyme - Time | 1996 |
2 Fabiola - Tyfoon (album) | 1996 |
DJ Jean - Love Come Home | 2000 |
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Johnny Kelvin biography
Johnny Kelvin (real name : Johnny Kelvin Jean-Baptiste) was born on Aruba in 1968. His father, Lloyd Jean-Baptiste, was a famous singer in the Caribbean. He was the first black artist to perform in the Amsterdam Lido.
As he was only 11, he and his grandmother moved to the Netherlands. There he started a career as a dancer. He only discovered his vocal skill when, during one of his gigs, the music suddenly stopped. He took the mic and started singing a capella. This is how his vocalist career started.
Johnny Kelvin's first single Satisfaction Guaranteed was released under ZYX in Germany and under Got It Records in Italy. It included a Short Tune Version, a 4 Tune Version, a Smooth Mix 12", a Killer Mix 12" and a Club Mix. A remixes CD was also released, with mixes by Lorenzo Carpella , Max Persona or Digidance. Another track released under the same name was out in 1996, under the label Arcade. Maybe it's a different project...
This young man with the silky smooth voice was also one of the guest artists of T-spoon's Joy, Life & Pain album. You could hear him on See The Light. Although his roots lied in ballads and soul music, he was fairly partial to dance musicas you can see and hear. He also did backing vocals for CB Milton's If You Leave Me Now which also featured the vocals of Ingrid Simons. In 1996, he appeared on 2 Fabiola's single My Attitude under the name Johnny Calvin.
In 2001, Johnny went back the the Netherlands. His voice was featured on DJ Jean's single Love Come Home, which topped the charts. This track belongs to the hard house movement. It was written by Rob Dougan, Rollo Armstrong & J.Dark, produced by Klubbheads & DJ Jean.
Shortly after, he released the singles Dance 4 Me Baby (#10 in the national charts) and Alive & Kicking (#20)
During the Summer 2002, he appeared as MC for DJ Tiesto during the Berlin Love Parade. The following year, 375 000 party people went nuts to his MC version of Dance 4 Me Baby. In December 2003, he started his DJ career.
Johnny Kelvin keeps on recording new tracks, such as Shine The Light which was produced by Lucien Foort (Stanley Foort's cousin) in 2004.
2005 : Johnny often performs sets as DJ. He appeared a the Matiz Beach Concert in Bloemendaal in July.
2008 : Johnny has his own radio show in Holland.
Thanks to Christian DTM NoLimits
Johnny Kelvin's official website
Johnny Kelvin biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021
Links to Johnny Kelvin
Official websites
Johnny Kelvin official Myspace
Johnny Kelvin official website
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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