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Latest Karin Kasar news
04/02/2020 : Real McCoy vocalist Karin Kasar announced that she was leaving the project.
15/09/2018 : Real McCoy singer Karin Kasar is also an a painter. You can discover her creations on her Instagram account.
16/06/2016 : Real McCoy former vocalist Karin Kasar joins the project again and will be on stage of Love Message Festival i Poland on August 26-27th.
Featurings and collaborations
MC Sar & the Real McCoy - Another Night | 16th Jul 1993 |
MC Sar & the Real McCoy - Run Away | 7th Jul 1994 |
Real McCoy - Space Invaders (album) | 29th Aug 1994 |
Real McCoy - Love And Devotion | 3rd Apr 1995 |
Real McCoy - Come And Get Your Love | 29th Jun 1995 |
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Karin Kasar biography
Studio vocalist Karin Kasar was born in Flensbourg. Since 1992, she was the real female voice of Real McCoy project for the Space Invaders album, though she was never credited. She was casted by the Boogie Park studios in Hamburg and made a test recording on Another Night. She was replaced in videos and on stage by Patricia "Patsy" Peterson and never received any royalties for the whole album. O-Jay himslef never met her in all that time...
2016 : Karin Kasar lives in Hambourg. She joined the Real McCoy again for live appearances.
2020 : Karin Kasar announced that she would leave Real McCoy.
2024 : Karin created the RnB-Jazz band Notykey with Pete Struck
Karin Kasar biography was last updated Thu, January 30th 2020
Links to Karin Kasar
Official websites
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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