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Just Friends

Just Friends   (Germany)

EuroDance group
Added : 26/10/2003

Friends Forever
Friends Forever
World Of Colours
Ever and ever - Greatest Hits
Ever And Ever
The Present That I Want
Anytime Anyplace
Hello There
One Of Us
What Is Love
To The Beach
Runnin' Around
Don't Forget The Sunshine
Take My Heart
To The Beach
94 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999


Just Friends albums

Friends Forever Friends Forever (Japan edition) 1996
Friends Forever Friends Forever 29th Mar 1996
World Of Colours World Of Colours 17th Apr 1998
Ever and ever - Greatest Hits Ever and ever - Greatest Hits 29th Mar 1999


Just Friends singles

Ever And Ever Ever And Ever 14th Sep 1995  
The Present That I Want The Present That I Want 24th Nov 1995  
Friends Friends 1st Mar 1996  
Anytime Anyplace Anytime Anyplace 31st May 1996  
Hello There Hello There 25th Oct 1996  
One Of Us One Of Us 1997  
What Is Love What Is Love 12th Sep 1997  
To The Beach To The Beach 1998  
Runnin' Around Runnin' Around 18th Mar 1998  
Don't Forget The Sunshine Don't Forget The Sunshine 2nd Jun 1998  
Take My Heart Take My Heart 1st Oct 1998  
To The Beach To The Beach 1999  



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Just Friends biography

Just Friends are Daniel Höferlin, Denise Zich, Matthias Fuchs and Sabine Manke. They released many singles, 2 albums and one Best of compilation.

The group played in the German TV soap Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten (Good Times Bad Times). In 1995, a song contest was organized between the different actors of the soap. Their competitors were the group Chak (Ch.arly, A.ndy and, 3 other actors of the soap). Chak recorded a eurodance song aswell, called Summer Party. But Just Friends finally won the contest. This is how everything began. After this, they appeared in the TV soap everytime they released a new single.

In Summer 1996 Denise left the group. She started a solo-carreer as actress in some other TV soaps and presented Pumuckl TV, a kid show. She was replaced by another female vocalist Jessica. Matthias later also was replaced by Fares, who looks close to Matthias. Maybe because they took part to the soap and so Fares could also replace Matthias there. When Jessica replaced Denise, she was introduced in the soap as a new character (the cousine of Andy who took part to Chak).

On their 2 albums, they worked many different people, among them Lutz Fahrenkrog-Pertersen, Peter Wagner, Florian Richter, Marc Lennard, Martin de Vries and Roland Götz, who wrote most of their songs on both albums. Among them, you can also names which will sound familiar to eurodance fans, like N-Dee and Frank Lio (3-O-Matic), who wrote the track Take My Heart.

The band members wrote on many tracks of their 2nd album too. On their solo tracks on Friends Forever the members wrote for the first time on own tracks, only Denise didn't wrote herself, her track was written by Florian Richter, Marc Lennard and Roland Götz. But on the other solo tracks you also see in the credits the names Daniel Höferlin, Matthias Fuchs and Sabine Manke.

The last time Just Friends appeared in Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten was for their last single Take My Heart in 1998.

Thanks to Christian DTM NoLimits, D-Man '94 and Christian Icking (Crazy4Music)

Just Friends biography was last updated Wed, October 22nd 2014




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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