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Humanize   (Italy)

EuroDance group
Added : 20/11/2001

Do You Know My Name
Take Me To Your Heart
Save Me
So High
Who Is In
Ola Ola
Into The Sea
93 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016


Humanize albums

Dance Dance 5th May 2016


Humanize singles

Do You Know My Name Do You Know My Name 2nd May 1994  
Take Me To Your Heart Take Me To Your Heart 2nd Oct 1994  
Save Me Save Me 1998  
So High So High 26th Oct 2011  
Who Is In Who Is In 22nd Dec 2015  
Ola Ola Ola Ola 21st Nov 2016  


Humanize remixes

So High So High 21st Nov 2014  


Aliases - Records released under other names

Into The Sea Humanize Team - Into The Sea 1996  


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Humanize biography

Humanize was created by Bruno Le Kard. The 2 first singles were relased in Italy under label Italian Style. The face and frontlady of the project was Brazilian model Zuleika Dos Santos.

Do You Know My Name, featuring vocals by Debbie French, was also released in Germany (label Motor Music) the same day of the year 1993. It was composed and written by G. Piano, C. Piccinelli, M. Marcoli and V. Gaffurini (ISP 1230). The chorus was based on the melody of Nicole McCloud's Don't You Want My Love.

The follow-up should have been You Make Me Feel, but it was finally published under project name Forward. Then Zuleika left to focus on her actress carreer and play a role in Giovanni Veronesi movie "Il barbiere di Rio". She also appeared in TV series "Dio vede e provvede".

Take Me To Your Heart was released in October 1994 (ISP 1274). It was written by Gianluigi Piano, W. Cremonini, A. Gilardi and Laura Piccinelli. Vocals were probably done by Laura herslef, or maybe by Debbie French. It was produced by Humanize, arranged by Gianluigi Piano, mixed by W. Cremonini and A. Gilardi. They mixed it in a hurry because they wanted to release it early enough for Fargetta and Albertino to include it on the third volume of their DeeJay Parade. Which was finally not the case, since Albertino did not like the track. However, it sold 15 000 copies, entered several charts. After this, Gianluigi Piano left the project

One year passed, then came Into The Sea in 1996 under project name Humanize Team and label Vertikal Records. It was written by Pierluca Bertuzzi and Zuleika was credited as vocalist. In 1998, single Save Me featuring Judy was released under Vertikal Records. It was actually due for release under Dhiadema, but it was misprinted. It was a cover of a song by Say When!. Executive producers were Bruno Cardamone, Bruno Paolinelli and Giuseppe Devito

2001 : Zuleika played in the movies "South Kensington" and "Blek Giek".

2011 : Bruno Le Kard revived project Humanize with former Da Blitz vocalist Vivian B. One single, So High, was released.

2015 : single Who Is In was out.

2016 : an album entitled Dance gathering all singles plus other Bruno Le Kard productions or remixes (Anthea, Rajah, Moo.Va, Forward...) was out on May 5th. In December, they released single Ola Ola.

Zuleica lives in Milan

Thanks to grof pl.
Decadance, the book

Humanize biography was last updated Sat, January 13th 2024




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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