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Latest Lorena Herrera news
20/11/2024 : Lorena Herrera's new single is entitled Amor En Secreto, featuring Kairo
17/08/2023 : Lorena Herrera will tour in the USA as a member of the cast of the theater play "Los monólogos de la vagina"
13/07/2022 : Lorena Herrera will take part to the mexican edition of MasterChef
10/06/2022 : Lorena Herrera's new single is entitled Con Nadie Más
09/01/2020 : "Un Poquito Tuyo", the TV series in which Lorena Herrera stars, will air on African continent on Telemundo África from January 6th under title "Almost Yours"
18/07/2019 : Discover the videoclip for Lorena Herrera's new single Cardio
09/07/2019 : Lorena Herrera's next single is entitled Cardio. Videoclip will premiere on Monday 15th.
Lorena Herrera albums
Lorena Herrera | 1996 | BUY
Dame Amor | 1997 | BUY
Aquí Estoy | 2002 | BUY
Sobreviviré | 2004 | BUY
Desnúdame El Alma | 30th Jun 2009 | BUY
Circuit Mixes | 22nd Nov 2014 | BUY
Lorena Herrera singles
Soy | 1996 |
Los Pecados De Amor | 1996 |
Yo Viviré | 1996 |
Pim Pam Pum Promo only | 1996 |
Dame Amor | 1998 |
Despacito Promo only | 1998 |
Ritmo Tequila Video only | 1999 |
Aquí Estoy Promo only | 2002 |
Abrázame | 2004 |
Como La Flor Promo only | 2004 |
Ya Video only | 2009 |
Desnúdame El Alma Video only | Aug 2009 |
Masoquista | 18th May 2015 |
Flash | 3rd Sep 2015 |
Plastik | 16th Feb 2016 |
Karma | 23rd Aug 2016 |
Freak | 5th Mar 2017 |
Tocame | 31st Jan 2018 |
Soy la Más | 5th Jun 2018 |
Cardio | 9th Jul 2019 |
Con Nadie Más | 10th Jun 2022 |
Vivo La Vida (feat. Fedro) | 21st Jun 2023 |
Yo Viviré 2024 | 12th Nov 2024 |
Amor En Secreto (feat. Kairo) | 18th Nov 2024 |
Featurings and collaborations
Siempre Reinas - No Me Importa | 7th Oct 2022 |
Siempre Reinas - Ando En El Top | 22nd Mar 2024 |
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Lorena Herrera biography
Born Lorena Herrera de la Vega in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, she is a Mexican singer, actress and... sex symbol. She moved with her family to Mexico City, where she began a career as a fashion model. She became highly successful in Mexico, and gained an international reputation, posing for calendars and ads in Mexico and South America. She won the "Look of the Year" contest, awarded in Mexico.
Lorena then began working in Mexico's Low budget films. She has been involved in more than 50 films (the first one being "Los mayates atacan" in 1987) since she began her career as an actress in Soap operas (including the mega-hit telenovela, "Dos mujeres, un camino").
Her very first (self-titled) album was released in 1996 under EMI Music. Then came Dame Amor the following year, along with a remixes album named Soy (Remix). She started gaining internationel recognition and did some tours in South and North America. In 1998, she released a book entitled "Tips De Belleza".
Lorena Herrera has been a scandalous person since she became famous. There have been rumors of her actually being a transsexual. Lorena is also a gay icon.
After a pause of a few years, she was back with a new album in 2002, called Aquí Estoy. 2 years later, her new album Sobreviviré was out.
2004 : she married actor and model Roberto Assad
2009 : she's currently promoting her latest album Desnudame El Alma, released on June the 12th. The first single taken from the album is called Ya.
2015 : Lorena was back with a new single called Masoquista, along with a very hot video. Then in September, she released Flash.
2016 : Lorena's new single was entitled Plastik. Then came single Karma.
2017 : Lorena released her new single entitled Freak
Thanks to Abelito
Lorena Herrera biography was last updated Sat, April 22nd 2017
Links to Lorena Herrera
Official websites
Lorena Herrera official website
Lorena Herrera Oficial Youtube channel
Lorena Herrera on Facebook
Lorena Herrera on Twitter
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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