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Featurings and collaborations
Cool James and Black Teacher - The Rhythm Of The Tribe | 1994 |
Solid Base - In Your Dreams | 1994 |
Solid Base - Mirror, Mirror | 1995 |
Solid Base - You Never Know | 1996 |
Solid Base - Sunny Holiday | Aug 1998 |
Solid Base - Ticket To Fly | Oct 1999 |
Solid Base - This Is How We Do It | 20th Oct 1999 |
Solid Base - Sha La Long | May 2000 |
Solid Base - Mirror, Mirror | 1995 |
Solid Base - You Never Know | 1996 |
Solid Base - This Is How We Do It | 20th Oct 1999 |
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Isabelle Heitman biography
Isabelle was born in Oslo, Norway on January 2nd 1972 as a Capricorn. Ever since childhood she's had a passion for singing, dancing and acting. She got a lot of support from her parents since they also used to sing, in a well known group in Norway.
However, she moved to Gothenburg, Sweden at the age of 10. She studied at Södra Latins gymnasium and, when she reached the age of 14, she went to learn classical singing at the 'Stage School' located in Gothenburg. A few years later she moved to Stockholm and continued her education at Södra Latin. She had been working in a video store for a while. "It was great ! I was kinda like the manager of the store and I loved it, because my whole family is made of movie maniacs".
She began to sing in various talent competitions for a few years. Then followed lots of engagements at the Apollo Theatre in Stockholm. One day she got a telephone call from Pat Reiniz (producer of Rednex and Cool James & Black Teacher). He was wondering if she would like to come and sing for him. That's how she took part to Cool James & Black Teacher's album Zooming You in 1994 (on Innocent Children and on The Rhythm Of The Tribe).
At work she met Niclas Lindberg (the producer of Snipers). He recommended her for the Solid Base project (at that time, they already had a female vocalist but they were not satisfied of her). Solid Base liked her singing skills, she was selected among 25 vocalist, this is hwo a very intense and professional partnership begun.
"I have always been singing. Both my parents were singers as well, so for me it was very natural" she explains. As for her musical tastes, Isabelle likes LL Cool J, she admires Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, George Michael, Christina Aguilera and Lauryn Hill.
She left Solid Base when the project stopped having success and because she wanted to do some other things She has 3 children.
After 16 years in Sweden, Heitmann moved back to Norway to live in the Majorstua area in Oslo. Isabelle now lives in Los Angeles, USA and she is now known as Isabelle Holender.
Thanks to Tavi Meran
© Remixed Records
Isabelle Heitman biography was last updated Mon, March 15th 2021
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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