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Latest Heart Attack news
20/09/2024 : Today sees the release of Good Moov's new single Neznakomets (meaning Stranger in Russian), inspired from Heart Attack's classic
23/02/2024 : The Lovers' song Go Just Get It was digitally released under project name Heart Attack (thanks to Martin)
Heart Attack singles
Get Me Going | 4th May 1994 |
Move Me Stranger | 9th Jan 1995 |
I Was Made For Loving You | 7th Nov 1996 |
Eye Of The Tiger (feat Thea Austin) | 25th Mar 1998 |
Go Just Get It | 1st Feb 2024 |
Heart Attack remixes
Get Me Going (The E-Rotic Remixes) if($ft[6]!="") { echo " (".stripslashes($ft[6]).")" ;} // commentaire ?> | 1994 |
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Heart Attack biography
Heart Attack was a Bros Music project created by David Brandes and John O'Flynn in 1994.
Get Me Going was # 1 in Israel Dance Chart. It was recorded at Bros Studio, written and composed by the duo Brandes O'Flynn with Domenico Livrano. Felix J. Gauder did some of the remixes.
I Was Made For Loving You was a cover of Kiss' hit. It was performed on ZDF TV show Chart attack in 1997, with Sabine Staegemeir on stage. It is not known wether she was the real singer or just a lipsyncer.
Eye Of The Tiger was released in 1998 and featured Snap! vocalist Thea Austin.
2024 : they released The Lovers' song Go Just Get It.
Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts positions
Thanks to Martin
Heart Attack biography was last updated Wed, February 12th 2020
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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