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Good Shape

Good Shape   (Belgium)

EuroDance group
Added : 24/09/2000

Maniacs Of Love
Closer To You
Take My Love
Give Me Fire
Sing Like The Children
Stay The Night
King Of Your Heart
I Can Love You
I Will
Come Closer
Never Gonna Give Up
Take My Love 2008
92 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Latest Good Shape news

15/02/2023 : Good Shape's hit Take My Love was covered by Sylver' producer Wout, featuring vocals by Chayenne

14/09/2008 : Last week, Good Shape performed live at the Belgian show Tien Om Te Zien.

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Good Shape albums

Maniacs Of Love Maniacs Of Love 1994
Closer To You Closer To You 1995


Good Shape singles

Take My Love Take My Love 1993  
Give Me Fire Give Me Fire 1994  
Sing Like The Children Sing Like The Children 1995  
Stay The Night Stay The Night 1995  
King Of Your Heart King Of Your Heart 1995  
I Can Love You I Can Love You 1995  
I Will I Will 25th Sep 1995  
Come Closer Come Closer 1996  
Never Gonna Give Up Never Gonna Give Up 1996  
Take My Love 2008 Take My Love 2008 2008  
Sunlight Sunlight 12th May 2023  


Good Shape remixes

Take My Love Take My Love 1994  



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Good Shape biography

Good Shape are the Belgian leadsinger David Cantré (born August 5th, 1970), singers Filip Vervaeke (born November 8th, 1970), and Geert De Meyer (born February 11th, 1971) and producer and leyboardist Koen De Beir (born January 8th, 1971). Geert had started his career together with Marnik D'Hoore as the duo Glad Ijs

They created a eurodance "boys band" concept, which was very unique in the field of pop and dance music in 1993. The 4 group members were all good looking to make the group's name worth it...

Their first single Take My Love scored #2 in their homeland Belgium (and remained in the charts for 23 weeks), #1 in Spain and #2 in Israel. That brought them a window of succes all over Europe. The second single was Give Me Fire, co-produced by Serge Ramaekers, reaching #7 in Spain, #27 in the Netherlands, and this time #1 in Belgium and again #2 in Israel.

In 1995 they released their single King Of Your Heart. It went #3 in Belgium, # 4 in Israel and # 20 in Spain. The last single from their debut album was I Can Love You still in 1995 and still a great eurodance track, reaching # 2 in Belgium and entering top 10 in Israel and Bulgaria. They did a tour entitled Maniacs On Stage.

In the end of 1995 they released Never Gonna Give Up, the first single from new album. Never Gonna Give Up was a a Euro-NRG song that was kind of different from their previous singles, and by that failed all over Europe even in Belgium where it reached only # 24.

Then Koen De Beir left the project in 1996. Next single was Come Closer, released the same year, and another failure in Europe. The last time we heard from them in the 90s was with the single I Will, which was another flop. After that, Filip Vervaeke went solo under the name Brent Filip and released 4 singles (the 2 first ones being produced by another former Good Shape member, Koen De Beir).

In 1997, David Cantré and Geert De Meyer created the duet B'Four. They released an album and 3 singles (Soul, Missing You and Here I Am). David Cantré married Claudia.

In 1998, Filip Vervaeke was back. The 3 remaining Good Shape members renamed the project Impact, but the 3 singles they released (U R The Real Thing, I Want You and Cherish, all of them produced by Aldo Verbeeck) did not have success.

Then David Cantré did a pause from the music business. He did not earn a cent from their biggest hit Take My Love as he was not credited on the record. He first worked as a manager for a Mobistar shop, then as a fireman in Ghent from 2001. He moved to Antwerp and in 2014 he founded painting services company Cantré Schilderwerken in Schilde.

2006 : they gathered again to perform during TV show Het Swingpaleis

2008 : Take My Love was remixed by Regi and, at the beginning of September, they performed live at the Belgian show Tien Om Te Zien.

2012 : David and Geert announced that they were searching for 2 dancers to perform with them on stage of 90s concerts. Koen was very busy with his restaurant Chez De Beir in Eeklo (even if he still owned a recording studio).

2022 : David, Koen and Geert were on stage again, along with a dancer called David who replaced Filip.

2023 : Wout covered theit hit Take My Love. They released the single Sunlight in May.

Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts positions
Thanks to DJ Aaron Euromaster and Ketty Nielsen

Good Shape biography was last updated Tue, March 16th 2021

Charts (singles)

I Can Love You #14
Stay The Night #8
Sing Like The Children #15
Come Closer #4
Never Gonna Give Up #32
Take My Love 2008 #18

Official websites




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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