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Gergana   (Bulgaria)

EuroPop group
Added : 29/10/2012

Gubia Te Bavno
Kakto nikoi drug
Sini Ochi
Sladkata Strana Na Neshtata
Kakto Predi
Gubia Te Bavno
Nyama Da Molya
Gasna Po Teb
Za Teb, Lyubov
Tvoya Biakh
Bez Teb Ne Moga
Niakoi Den, Mozhe Bi
Posledna Vecher
Ne Te Obitcham Vetche
Sini Ochi
Sladkata Strana Na Neshtata
Iskam Samo Lyubovta Ti
Do Utre
Stud I Tishina
Una Pasion
Mozhe Bi Totchno Ti
Bez Teb
Vyrvi Si
Razdyalata Ne Boli
Zashtoto Te Obicham
Blagodarya Ti
Imam Nuzhda
Do Koga
Da Zapochnem Ot Sredata
Koyta Iska Da Vyarva
Pyrvitchen Instinkt
Chte Izdyrzhitch Li
Miris Na Lyubov
Vkusat Ostava
Ot Tozi Moment
Tvoite Dumi
Ogan v Dazhda
Samo Za Teb
Ako Nyamam Teb
02 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Latest Gergana news

10/02/2015 : Gergana released a new videoclip last month, entitled Tvoite Dumi (meaning your words in Bulgarian).

05/12/2012 : Gergana's new single is a collaboration with singer Galin, a good friend of hers, entitled Vkusat Ostava. This is their second duet.

More news


Gergana albums

Gubia Te Bavno Gubia Te Bavno 2003
Kakto nikoi drug Kakto nikoi drug 2004
Sini Ochi Sini Ochi 2005
Sladkata Strana Na Neshtata Sladkata Strana Na Neshtata 2007

Gergana DVDs and VHS

Gergana Best Video Selection Gergana Best Video Selection 2005 DVD


Gergana singles

Kakto Predi Kakto Predi 2003  
Gubia Te Bavno Gubia Te Bavno 23rd Oct 2003  
Nyama Da Molya Nyama Da Molya Dec 2003  
Gasna Po Teb Gasna Po Teb 2004  
Za Teb, Lyubov Za Teb, Lyubov (with Anelya) 2004  
Tvoya Biakh Tvoya Biakh 2004  
Boli Boli 2004  
Bez Teb Ne Moga Bez Teb Ne Moga 2004  
Izmama Izmama 2004  
Niakoi Den, Mozhe Bi Niakoi Den, Mozhe Bi 2005  
Posledna Vecher Posledna Vecher 2005  
Ne Te Obitcham Vetche Ne Te Obitcham Vetche 2005  
Sini Ochi Sini Ochi 2006  
Sladkata Strana Na Neshtata Sladkata Strana Na Neshtata 2006  
Iskam Samo Lyubovta Ti Iskam Samo Lyubovta Ti 2006  
Do Utre Do Utre 2006  
Stud I Tishina Stud I Tishina Dec 2006  
Karma Karma 2007  
Una Pasion Una Pasion 2007  
Mozhe Bi Totchno Ti Mozhe Bi Totchno Ti (with Joro Rana) 25th May 2007  
Bez Teb Bez Teb 2008  
Zabravi Zabravi (with Joro Rana) 12th Feb 2008  
Vyrvi Si Vyrvi Si 8th Jul 2008  
Razdyalata Ne Boli Razdyalata Ne Boli 12th Oct 2008  
Zashtoto Te Obicham Zashtoto Te Obicham 5th Jan 2009  
Blagodarya Ti Blagodarya Ti 15th Apr 2009  
Imam Nuzhda Imam Nuzhda 21st Sep 2009  
Do Koga Do Koga 14th Dec 2009  
Da Zapochnem Ot Sredata Da Zapochnem Ot Sredata 31st May 2010  
Facebook Facebook 28th Oct 2010  
Koyta Iska Da Vyarva Koyta Iska Da Vyarva 30th Dec 2010  
Pyrvitchen Instinkt Pyrvitchen Instinkt (with Galin) 3rd Jun 2011  
Chte Izdyrzhitch Li Chte Izdyrzhitch Li 20th Dec 2011  
Miris Na Lyubov Miris Na Lyubov 21st Jun 2012  
Vkusat Ostava Vkusat Ostava (with Galin) 28th Nov 2012  
Ot Tozi Moment Ot Tozi Moment 28th Oct 2013  
Tvoite Dumi Tvoite Dumi 5th Jan 2015  
Ogan v Dazhda Ogan v Dazhda Video only 8th Jan 2016  
Samo Za Teb Samo Za Teb Sep 2018  
Tvoya Tvoya Dec 2018  


Featurings and collaborations

Ako Nyamam Teb Lazar - Ako Nyamam Teb 2018  


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Gergana biography

Bulgarian pop-folk singer Gergana Georgieva Katsarska (Гергана) was born November 30th, 1984 in Dimitrovgrad, Bulgaria. She grew up with her grand parents in Govedartsi, her sister Lazarina and her cousin, pro soccer player Stojko Sakaliev. Music and sports were her 2 passions. She attended a music school in Dimitrovgrad.

After competing in the "Become a star" talent show, she signed with Payner Music in 2003. She toured with the other Payner stars and released her first single Губя те бавно ( Gubia Te Bavno, meaning "Losing You Slowly"), which sold more than 70.000 copies. During summer, she recorded the song Za Teb, Lyubov with singer Anelya, a good friend of hers. She won a TV Planeta award for Best Debut and Gubia Te Bavno was awarded best videoclip. New Folk magazine gave her 2 awards, for best debut and best album.

The following year, she released album Както никой друг (Kakto nikoi drug, meaning As no one else). It sold 40 000 copies and topped sales charts. She went again on tour with Planeta Derby. She won M-Tel special award. Her mum died from cancer in September.

In 2005 came third album Сини очи (Sini Otchi, meaning Blue Eyes). It sold around 20 000 copies. 3 videos were released : Niakoi Den Mozhe Bi, Posledna Vecher and Ne Te Obitcham Vetche. She toured with Planeta Derby to promote Posledna Vecher.

2006 : during TV Planeta awards, she received a Nestle special award. She toured with Planeta Derby.

2007 : it was time for a new Gergana studio album, entitled Сладката страна на нещата (Sladkata Strana Na Neshtata, meaning Sweet side of things). In only a few weeks, it had already sold 5000 copies. First song to be released from the new album was Karma, a very nice dance track. During that year's TV Planeta awards, she won a Nestle award and Mozhe Bi Totchno Ti was hit of the summer. She also released the song Una Pasion, her first song in Spanish. She went again on tour with Planeta Derby

2008 : she was not among the Planeta Derby lineup. Instead, she did a solo tour in 20 Bulgarian cities, sponsored by Bulsacom. 4 videos were released : Bez Teb, Zabravi (Indiana Jones style, another duet with Joro Rana), Vyrvi Si (an amazing eurodance song with 3D effects reminding of Transformers) and Razdyalata Ne Boli.

2009 : she released 4 new videos : Zashtoto Te Obicham in Januray, Blagodarya Ti in April (dedicated to her mum), Imam Nuzhda in September and Do Koga in December.

2010 : in May came the video for Da Zapochnem Ot Sredata. It was a summer hit. Then in October, the video for her new song Facebook (dedicated to the famous social network) premiered. Then came the song Koyta Iska Da Vyarva.

2011 : she gave some concerts in Europe. She released 2 new videos : Pyrvitchen Instinkt (a duet with Galin, a good friend of hers) and Chte Izdyrzhitch Li. In November, she arrived too late for the TV show organized for her anniversary and was severly criticized by Gala. She denied rumors according to which she was pregnant.

2012 : she released her new summer single Miris Na Lyubov (Мирис На Любов, meaning Smell of love)

2015 : Gergana was back with a new song and videoclip entitled Tvoite Dumi (Твоите Думи, meaning Your Words) featuring Galin. Song was quite succesful in Bulgaria. It was later revealed that backvocals were taken from a song performed by British-Palestinian hip-hop singer Shadia Mansour's. In December, she released a new song, a ballad entitled Ogan v Dazhda (Огън в дъжда meaning Fire in the Rain) along with a Xmas video.

2016 : in January, Gergana released a second videoclip for Ogan v Dazhda. She was said to be working on her first international single Diva featuring Romanian pop star Delia Matache, and on her 5th studio album planned for Spring. She graduated in geology from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, but this did not mean the end of her musical carreer.

2018 : she was featured on Lazar's song Ako Nyamam Teb

Gergana biography was last updated Thu, November 11th 2021




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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