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Froggy Mix

Froggy Mix   (France)

EuroTrance group
Added : 27/11/2001

No Naggin
No Naggin
My Heart Beats To The Sound
No Naggin
So Hot
C'est party!
In The Middle Of The Night
00 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Latest Froggy Mix news

15/12/2014 : Today sees the release of the brand new single from Froggy Mix : In The Middle Of The Night from current album My Heart Beats to the Sound.

29/01/2011 : Bettina (Froggy Mix) co-founded the Cristy Committee Club with other former Paris cabarets dancers. (Thanks to Klems)

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Froggy Mix albums

No Naggin No Naggin (Canadian version) 2001
No Naggin No Naggin 2002
My Heart Beats To The Sound My Heart Beats To The Sound 19th Sep 2014


Froggy Mix singles

No Naggin No Naggin 11th Sep 2001  
Razzmatazz Razzmatazz 2002  
So Hot So Hot 2003  
C'est party! C'est party! (feat. Snoop Dogg) 6th Dec 2013  
In The Middle Of The Night In The Middle Of The Night 15th Dec 2014  



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Froggy Mix biography

The frontlady, singer, actress and dancer Bettina collaborated with the French (Canadian ?) producer Pascal Caubet along with the Italian production team T&F (Franki Tamburo and Mauro Ferruci). The name of the project emphasized with humor its French origins. Even if Bettina Antoni (real name : Krystyna Ferencowicz) has Polish origins. In the 80s she contributed to the Coco Girls, (a group of models well-known for their sexy appearances on the French first channel and for their hit Ce Mec Est Too Much), then became a dancer at the Crazy Horse Saloon from 1991 to 1995 (under the name Cristy Balalaika). She was a member of eurodance project Krysty. She then did some modelling for Pierre Cardin and appeared in some TV shows.

Their first single No Naggin Anymore was released under label Virgin and was starting to have some success in the UK when it was picked up by French channel M6 for the anime cartoon Sakura CardCaptor.

The video of No Naggin Anymore was shot in 2 parts : they first filmed Bettina and her dancers against a unite background, then the technicians worked during 3 weeks on the animations and special effects. i>No Naggin went #3 in France and hit #12 on Billboard's EuroChart Hot 100 Singles in early 2001

In 2022, the second single Razzmatazz was specially composed for Sakura second season, and it became quickly a hit.

2007 : Bettina recorded a solo album under the name B-Tina entitled Laid back. One single was released from the album, called Je veux revoir ton sourire (meaning : I want to see your smile again).

2012 : Bettina refounded the Coco Girls with 3 new performers (Charlie, Ophélie and Perrine), and currently tours in France and Belgium. They recorded an album entitled Coco Loco which includes a 2012 version of Ce Mec Est Too Much. - Froggy mix official site
Thanks to Vincent Royal

Froggy Mix biography was last updated Wed, October 4th 2023

Charts (singles)

Belgium France
No Naggin #29 #3
Razzmatazz #31 #31

Official websites




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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