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Fox Diana

Fox (Diana)   (Germany)

EuroTrance group
Added : 20/05/2002

Running On Empty
Running On Empty
Sail away
Lucky Star
Where Are You Now
Mein Herz ist angekommen
Wann bist Du bereit
Eins, Zwei, Drei (Ciao-Ciao und Goodbye)
Ich Wärm Mich Bei Dir auf
Du Bist Mir Wichtig
Entdeckung Der Gelassenheit
99 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007


Diana Fox albums

Running On Empty Running On Empty 30th Jul 2002


Diana Fox singles

Running On Empty Running On Empty 2000  
Sail away Sail away 2001  
Lucky Star Lucky Star Compilation only 2002  
Where Are You Now Where Are You Now 2003  
Mein Herz ist angekommen Mein Herz ist angekommen 11th Aug 2006  
Wann bist Du bereit Wann bist Du bereit 12th Jan 2007  
Eins, Zwei, Drei (Ciao-Ciao und Goodbye) Eins, Zwei, Drei (Ciao-Ciao und Goodbye) 1st Jun 2007  
Ich Wärm Mich Bei Dir auf Ich Wärm Mich Bei Dir auf 19th Oct 2007  


Diana Fox remixes

Where Are You Now Where Are You Now 2003  


Aliases - Records released under other names

Du Bist Mir Wichtig Xenia - Du Bist Mir Wichtig 2005  
Entdeckung Der Gelassenheit Xenia - Entdeckung Der Gelassenheit 2005  


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Diana Fox biography

Diana Fox began her carreer as a part of the pop-dance group Jump & Joy. During 2 years she travelled around the world with them, performing at major festivals and on numerous TV shows. Jump & Joy's hit single Vamos Everybody, had been a success around the world from Europe to Australia.

Diana has always had aspirations of starting a solo career and her collaboration with producer Marc Fox (resident DJ of 'Prater', one of the top clubs in Germany) made her dream a reality. The first single, Running On Empty, was a dance anthem in the making. Diana's music was even compared to ATB, Alice DeeJay, and Amber.

For the United States, Diana teamed up with the renowned New York DJ/Remixer/Producer, Chris "The Greek" Panaghi who had been praised for his amazing remixes of Da Buzz, Sarina Paris, Jessica Simpson, Ricky Martin, Michael Jackson and Gloria Estefan. DMA Magazine reviewer Scott Huffman compared Chris' Trancey Club mix to the classic Jonathan Peters' remix of Whitney Houston's My Love Is your Love. In addition to one of the many clubs where Chris was a resident DJ, you could hear his nationally syndicated radio show "The Island Underground" every Sunday evening at 9:00 PM.

In addition, Florida's Scott Christina's, (aka DJ Infinity, famed for his remix of the #1 dance single I Do Both Jay & Jane by La Rissa), Progressive Breaks mix is penetrating airwaves and filling dance floors throughout Florida. As Vic The Latino, Music Director of WPYO-FM Orlando puts it "The Progressive Break Mix is off the hook."

Diana was planning her US tour and is in the final phase of production on her self-titled album, tentatively scheduled to debut at the end of the year on the Prisoners of Dance Music label.

The second single to be released was entitled Sail Away, from the forthcoming album, whose working title was renamed It's Me.

2002 : her debut album was released in July. It was finally entitled Running On Empty.

In 2005, she changed her name to Xenia and released 2 singles in German. In 2006, Diana Fox was back. She changed her style to schlager music. The singles she released included the songs recorded as Xenia - Diana Fox official website
Thanks to Howard and Abelito

Diana Fox biography was last updated Tue, March 5th 2024




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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