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Fourteen 14   (Italy)

EuroDance group
Added : 20/11/2001

Heart's Dream
Don't Leave Me
Another Crack In My Heart
Everytime We Touch
All I Have To Do Is Dream
A Night In Paradise
Down Down
Do You Wanna Try?
93 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Latest Fourteen 14 news

03/12/2000 : Fourteen 14 released a new single entitled Down Down

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Fourteen 14 singles

Heart's Dream Heart's Dream  
Don't Leave Me Don't Leave Me 27th Sep 1994  
Goodbye Goodbye 19th Jun 1995  
Another Crack In My Heart Another Crack In My Heart 9th Jul 1996  
Everytime We Touch Everytime We Touch 1997  
All I Have To Do Is Dream All I Have To Do Is Dream 22nd Mar 1999  
A Night In Paradise A Night In Paradise 27th Jul 1999  
Down Down Down Down 4th Dec 2000  


Featurings and collaborations

Do You Wanna Try? Prince Charming - Do You Wanna Try? 1998  


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Fourteen 14 biography

Musical team : Claudio Malatesti, Andrea Fascetti, Francesco Alberti, Riccardo Salani, Gianluca Vivaldi. Project was fronted by DJane Sabrina Perugini. At 18, after DJing at clubs throughout Italy, she met producer Claudio Mingardi. Fourteen 14 (name comes from her lucky number) was born under label Decade. Sabrina Perugini's face appeared on records' sleeves and she performed on stage.

Sabrina Perugini's sign is Aquarius. Her hobbies are windsurfing and skiing. Her favorite singer is Elton John.

Alexia took part to the first single Don't Leave Me. Raps were probably performed by Alex Sussex. Alexia was then featured on Goodbye, which used the lyrics from 2 different Savage songs : Goodbye and Ten Years Ago.

Another Crack In My Heart was released as Alexia's solo carrer had started, so another vocalist contributed to the song, probably Alex Fazio. This Take That cover was again a must in dance fans collections.

Follow-up single Everytime We Touch (a cover of a Maggie Reilly song) was released in 1997. The version by Cascada released 10 years later would be quite more succesful.

1999 : Fourteen 14's new single was entitled All I Have To Do Is Dream, a dance cover of Everly Brothers' classic. Then came A Night In Paradise.

2000 : they released a single named Down Down, on Externa Italy.

© Eurodancehits
Thanks to Thomas Spiegel, DJ Marto Aida and Abelito

Fourteen 14 biography was last updated Wed, January 22nd 2020

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DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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