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Latest Flash Point news
31/01/2019 : Flash Point will release a Dance Mixes album on February 20th. (Thanks to Krasi)
24/08/2016 : Flash Point posted a demo for a new song entitled Relight My Fire.
13/01/2015 : Flash Point's forthcoming single Peace will be out on February 6th (Thanks to Krasi)
28/12/2014 : Discover the videoclip for Flash Point's upcoming single Peace, made from 2 short films.
02/11/2014 : Flash Point's next single will be entitled Peace.
17/05/2014 : Flash Point welcomes a new female vocalist, called Jane Silver. They now have their own official website.
08/02/2014 : Forthcoming single from new German eurodance project Flash Point is entitled Answer My Call and it's a real classic eurodance track. It also includes original and new version of previous single Follow Me. To be released under DMN records on March 7th.
Flash Point albums
Dance Mixes | 20th Feb 2019 | BUY
Flash Point singles
Follow Me | 2013 |
Answer My Call | 7th Mar 2014 |
Peace | 6th Feb 2015 |
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Flash Point biography
Flash Point is a eurodance project, founded in Leipzig, Germany in March 2013 by producer and composer Mike Hoffmann. Their first release was the song Follow Me, written and composed by Mike Hoffmann. Vocals were done by Laura and raps by Chris.
In 2014, single Answer My Call was released. Then came Peace in 2014.
Flash Point officially disbanded in 2017.
Flash Point biography was last updated Sat, May 5th 2018
Links to Flash Point
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DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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