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08/01/2009 : Vito V feat. Anna Berardi covered First Base's Love Is Paradise (thanks to Klems).
First Base albums
The EP | Apr 1999 | BUY
First Base singles
I Must Awake |
Love is Paradise | 1995 |
Heavenly Promo only | 1996 |
Can You Keep A Secret ? Promo only | Apr 1997 |
Follow Me Promo only | 1999 |
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First Base biography
Producer : Mike Wonder
Musical team : Ralf 'Valentino' Orth, Mr Cobra
First Base was created in 1995. Band members were a female 25 years old vocalist Tina Safrany (known by the stage name of Victoria) at that time living in a small German village : Sattledorf, a mother of 3 years old adorable boy, and a rapper called MC Flash. Behind the group is band's producer, Mike Wonder AKA 'DJ Wondermike' who's credits include remixes for various artists including No Mercy.
Back in 1995 they released their first single on BMG (Germany) entitledLove Is Paradise. Music for this track was composed by Ralf 'Valentino' Orth, Mr. Cobra and Mike Wonder, lyrics were written by Ralf 'Valentino'Orth, Ameer Williams and Mike Wonder. But the song at first remained quite unnoticed. But in January 1996 it was released by BMG Canada on a CD compilation called Club Cutz 7, instantly becoming a mega hit. This song was also nominated for the Best 1996 Song in First Annual Euro-Energy Cyberspace Awards.
Success of this track proned BMG Canada to release it on their other compilation Groove Station 3, a megamix featuring short samples of many songs. The RCA compilation Club Cutz 2 also featured this track.
The success of Love is Paradise in Canada opened up a window for a second single there. In late 1996 BMG Music Canada released exclusively the bands second song Heavenly. This track was another thumper, containing a little bit more vocals than Love is Paradise, without rap. Although it could not be considered as being as strong as the first single, it was still a great song. Third song Heavenly was never released as a single and appeared only on BMG Canada compilation : Club Euro 3.
Their new single was released in April 1997, and appeared on the new Club Cutz 8, yet another Canadian exclusive and was called Can You Keep A Secret ?. This track was released in Canada on 12' as limited edition for DJs, but was not released to general public as a single. The track and group were nominated for the Best 1997 Song and Group in Second Annual Euro-Energy Cyberspace Awards with good results (4th location in both categories). The track was included on BMG Canada another megamix compilation called Groove Station 4.
In the summer of 1997 the group was on tour in Canada, and their most current tournee as part of BMG Canada event called Groove Station Tour to promote Groove Station 4, took place in 1998 (again in Canada) from June 11th to 29th. They played 12 concerts, starting in Vancouver followed by concerts in Victoria, Calgary, Saskatoon, Toronto, Winnipeg & Thunderbay.
In the beginning of 1999 plans to release a new track called Follow Me was finalised. It was included on an EP which also featured their previous hits.
2007 : Love Is Paradise was covered by Vito V feat. Anna Berardi.
© Eurodancehits
Thanks to Niklas Adolfsson, Klems and DJ Sweet
First Base biography was last updated Fri, September 26th 2014
Links to First Base
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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