Viviana Shekoni_kayo Pandora Fey Wright_natascha Safrany_tina Imperio

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Extrarecord   (Italy)

EuroDance  label / records company
Added : 09/09/2014



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Extrarecord biography

Thanks to

Extrarecord biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021

Extrarecord catalog

Artist Title Date Label
Alf Your Song EXTRA H/07
Bit Max Love And Light 1999 EXTRA H/01
Bush Randy Foreign Affair 1993 EXTRA 901
Bush Randy Elevation 1995 EXTRA 1006
Bush Randy I Love To Love 1996 EXTRA 1010
Bush Randy Megamix 1996 EXTRA 1011
Bush Randy Take My Heart 1993 EXTRA 2002
Bush Randy Cruel Summer 1997 EXTRA 97 01
Bush Randy I Love To Love 1996 EXTRA 15835
Erica Lee Giddyap A Go Go 1993 EXTRA 902
Erika Viva Forever 1998 EXTRA 98 05
Excess Get Closer 1995 EXTRA 1005
Excess Get Closer 1995 EXTRA 2003
Excess The Night 1994 EXTRA 2005
Expire I Think I'm Paranoid / Iris 1998 EXTRA 98 06
Genius (2) Genie In A Bottle 1999 EXTRA H/02
Giuni Russo Un'Estate Al Mare (Remix 2000) 2000 EXTRA 05 CDS
Giuni Russo Un'Estate Al Mare (Remix 2000) 2000 EXTRA H/05
Hanna I Feel My Heart 1995 EXTRA 1007
Helena (2) Life 1998 EXTRA 98 04
J Family We Gotta Have Love 1993 EXTRA 2001
JCM Keep On Movin' / Summer Girl 1999 EXTRA H/04
Like Believe 1999 EXTRA 98 07
Majority In All The Right Places 1994 EXTRA 903
Miko Mission How Old Are You RMX 2000 1999 EXTRA H/03
Mister B Time After Time EXTRA 1009
Moon My Heart Will Go On (Theme From Titanic) 1998 EXTRA 98 01
Novecento Wait For Me 1993 EXTRA 1001
Novecento Novecento ('94 Remix) 1994 EXTRA 1002
Novecento Night And Day 1994 EXTRA 1003
Novecento Collection 1993 EXTRA 9000
Novecento Movin'On Remix '98 1998 EXTRA 98 03
Randy Bush Sounds Like A Melody 1994 EXTRA 1004
Roxidor No Reason 1994 EXTRA 2004
Terry J La Isla Bonita EXTRA 1008
Valerie (2) All My Life 2008 EXTRA 0801
X-Claim Toy Soldiers 2000 EXTRA 06




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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