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Latest Eurosoul news
15/02/2024 : Today, Eurosoul's remix for Real McCoy's current single Magnify was released for Latin America only, just in time for O'jay's birthday (thanks to Billy)
04/02/2024 : Eurosoul released their first studio album Party Of The Night (thanks to Billy)
16/10/2023 : Eurosoul published a longer snippet for their upcoming single Don't Try To Love Me. It combines vocals by Jean and by an AI
01/09/2023 : Eurosoul published snippets from 2 upcoming singles : Don't Try To Love Me and This Is The Party Of The Night
04/05/2021 : Eurosoul welcome a new member called Mina and recorded a new single, Positive Energy
06/09/2020 : Eurosoul's next single will be entited Feel The Vibe and will be out on September 11th
22/07/2020 : Eurosoul's next single The Power Of Dance will be out on July 24th. The Love Is My Key will be out a week later.
Eurosoul albums
Party Of The Night | 29th Jan 2024 | BUY
Eurosoul singles
Atomic Dance | 17th Jul 2020 |
The Power Of Dance | 24th Jul 2020 |
The Love Is My Key | 31st Jul 2020 |
Feel The Vibe | 11th Sep 2020 |
Positive Energy (feat. Mina) | 21st May 2021 |
Don't Try To Love Me | Feb 2024 |
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Eurosoul biography
Eurosoul is a trio based in Santigo, Chile, made of DJ and composer Hector Stuardo, rapper Infiltrator MC and female vocalist Jane. They recorded several eurodance songs and toured the discos in their home city, then got signed under label DMN Records and released 3 singles in July 2020.
Eurosoul biography was last updated Mon, July 20th 2020
Links to Eurosoul
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DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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