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Estelle Linda

Estelle (Linda)   (Netherlands)

AKA : Linda Blokland
EuroDance group
Added : 20/11/2001

See The Light
A Part Of My Life
Someone Loves You Honey
Fly Away
Sexy Lady
Fatale Druk
Losing Grip
Hold On
Ticket To The Tropics
Be Free
94 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Latest Linda Estelle news

02/11/2013 : TTOO featuring Estelle Linda just published a new remix video for their current single Be Free (Thanks to Krasi)

13/06/2013 : Linda Estelle (T-Spoon) is working on a new single from a brand new act called TTOO. Release very soon under DMN Records. (Thanks to Krasi)

19/09/2010 : Estelle Linda was featured on Sinharaja's new single Hold on. (Thanks to Tavi Meran)

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Featurings and collaborations

See The Light T-Spoon - See The Light Apr 1995  
A Part Of My Life T-Spoon - A Part Of My Life Oct 1995  
Someone Loves You Honey T-Spoon - Someone Loves You Honey Jun 1996  
Fly Away T-Spoon - Fly Away Feb 1997  
T-Spoon T-Spoon - T-Spoon (album) 1999  
T-Spoon T-Spoon - T-Spoon (album) Apr 1999  
Delicious T-Spoon - Delicious Oct 1999  
Sexy Lady T-Spoon - Sexy Lady Apr 2001  
Fatale Druk Toprak - Fatale Druk 2006  
Losing Grip Sinharaja - Losing Grip 2009  
Hold On Sinharaja - Hold On 2010  
Ticket To The Tropics T-Spoon - Ticket To The Tropics 25th Jul 2013  
Be Free TTOO - Be Free 25th Oct 2013  


I Want To Be Your Man T-Spoon - I Want To Be Your Man Oct 1999  
Delicious T-Spoon - Delicious Oct 1999  


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Linda Estelle biography

Linda Estelle (Linda Roza Blokland), the resonant voice of T-Spoon, was born in Arnhem in the Netherlands on the 23rd of January 1974. She has two sisters, Wendy and Sara. Her mother is called Roos. She always dreamt of becoming famous. At the age of 16 she began singing in studios. She is 1,70 m tall. At first she was a brunette, but the management suggested that she could become blond-haired.

After finishing high school (HAVO) she was employed in an art gallery, while occupying her spare time singing radio jingles and doing vocal studio sessions. Her interest in singing got started at a very young age and it only grew bigger and bigger. She eventually went on to working together with the boys of Arnhemsgewijs and Replay, both two very succesfull Dutch R&B groups. There was one thing that she was certain of and that was that she wanted to end up in the entertainment business.

At the end of 1995 she bumped into Remy de Groot, the manager of T-Spoon. She auditioned for T-Spoon and they must have liked what they saw, because Linda was chosen as their new vocalist. She made her debut on T-Spoon's fifth single See The Light. The song originally didn't contain her voice but only vocals from Shamrock and guest vocalist Johnny Kelvin. Linda's vocals were added on the single-release. Linda could be heard on every song of the album Lexicon of Melody.

In interviews, she explained she admired Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Taylor Dayne, and Prince. She was also impressed by singers such as Bjork and Alanis Morisette. She also enjoyed going out to nightclubs. 'The Luxor' in Arnhem and Amsterdam's 'iT' and 'Challenge' night spots are her favourite nocturnal destinations. She also admitted being a bit of a filmbuff. Her favorite actor is Harrison Ford. 'The Mask', 'Single White Female' and 'The Fugitive' are among the films she prefers. Being of Surinam descent it's not a surprise to learn that she loves Surinamian and spicy Mexican food. She loves animals and has two cats and two dogs at home. Linda is very fond of winter vacations although she freely admits that skiing is not one of her strong points. She still lives in Arnhem with the love of her life, her husband Edmond.

Even if at first she hoped to stay part of T-Spoon for a very, very long time, a few years later, after Shamrock left the project, she realized she needed to spend more time with her daughter Rose. Her private life was difficult as she was getting divorced. She started a carreer of vocal coach.

2002 : Linda joined Des'ray (of 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor) and Anita Doth (former vocalist of 2 Unlimited) for a a one time project called Divas Of Dance. They will do remakes of old songs, but they will also do hitmixes of their greatest hits in their shows. Her dad became her tour manager.

2010 : Linda and Shamrock are touring as T-spoon reloaded.

T-spoon Official website

Linda Estelle biography was last updated Mon, May 6th 2024

Official websites




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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