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Eclipse   (Netherlands)

EuroDance group
Added : 19/12/2001

Let The Music Play
(You Just Got To) Let The Rhythm Move You
Is It Love
I Want You Forever
You Make My Day
93 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Latest Eclipse news

06/12/2015 : After their eurodance bomb You Make My Day, Eclipse plan to release 2 other songs which were originally made in the 90s. The first one will be a cover of Shannon's Let The Music Play. The second one will be entitled The Last Goodbye (thanks to Arno).

21/11/2015 : Eclipse's new single is entitled You Make My Day. This great eurodance song was originally made in the mid-90s. While Miriam's original voice was recovered using the phase cancellation technique, music was re-recorded as close to the original as possible, and the result is just amazing (thanks to Arno).

03/02/2015 : Last month, Eclipse released a remastered version of their hit Let the Rhythm.

14/12/2014 : After almost 20 years of silence, Eclipse released a new single entitled I Want You Forever (thanks to Arno Maas).

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Eclipse singles

Let The Music Play Let The Music Play (Unreleased track)  
(You Just Got To) Let The Rhythm Move You (You Just Got To) Let The Rhythm Move You 1994  
Is It Love Is It Love 23rd May 1995  
I Want You Forever I Want You Forever 16th Nov 2014  
You Make My Day You Make My Day 1st Oct 2015  



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Eclipse biography

Eclipse was a project produced by Team 3 (Judith Samson Kruit, Mark Nieuwenhuijzen and Errol Lafleur) & Silverius (Silveer van Deinsen). Musical team was made of female vocalist Miriam Maas-Schevers (whose voice sounded so similar to Caren Miller from Mr President, that some people even though that Caren also did the vocals for Eclipse), T. Korremans, Harald Bruystens and Jason S. Jake "Jay" Weastell. Rodney Vincent Harar was the rapper on stage.

Let The Rhythm Move You was released in the Netherlands under Blueprint label and licensed in Germany under ZYX. It featured the raps of Max P. The lyrics were written by J. Weastell and H. Bruystens, the music was composed by T. Korremans. The maxi-CD contained 3 mixes and a B-side entitled Show Me Your Love. It was produced and arranged by Team 3 Productions, recorded and mixed by Team 3 Studios in Weesp (Holland).

Is It Love was released in 1995 under Blueprint Netherlands. Style was rather euro-rap.

2014 : Eclipse was back, with performers Miriam Maas-Schevers and Rodney Vincent Harar and a new single entitled I Want You Forever. It was released under School Of Music And Lyrics.

2015 : Eclipse's new single was entitled You Make My Day. It was originally made in the mid-90s. While Miriam's original voice was recovered using the phase cancellation technique, music was re-recorded as close to the original as possible. Female raps were also added. They also planned to release 2 other songs which were originally made in the 90s : Shannon cover Let The Music Play and The Last Goodbye.

2023 : Rodney Harar passed away

There are a lot of projects called Eclipse in the musical business. No relation with the other projects Eclipse from Germany, Italy or from Australia.

Thanks to Arno Maas, Risonaldo Jr, Hugues and Necronomic

Eclipse biography was last updated Sat, August 24th 2019

Official websites




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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