Corona Jordan_alison Ojay Dels_anita Ice_mc Double_you Dr_alban

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Do It Music   (France)

EuroDance  label / records company
Added : 01/09/2014



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Do It Music biography

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Do It Music biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021

Do It Music catalog

Artist Title Date Label
2Nite Brothers Never Gonna Give You Up (Medley With Dance Romance) 1998 3984-26361-0
2Nite Brothers Feat Wizard J Never Gonna Give You Up (Medley With Dance Romance) 1998 3984-26360-9
99 Allstars Luv Is All U Need 1996 0630-17968-9
ADAM Zombie 1995 0630-10284-9
Axiom I'm Not A Lady 1995 4509-99551-0
Axiom I'm Not A Lady 1995 4509-99552-2
Axiom I'm Not A Lady 1995 4509-99553-2
Beat Box Feel It Alright 1993 4509-95180-0
Beat Box Feel It Alright 1993 4509-95180-2
Beau Delit Cœur En Bataille 1996 0630-17483-9
Blizzard It's Only Love 1995 0630-13786-9
Blue Velvet Come With Me 1997 3984-20777-9
Blue Velvet Come With Me 1997 3984-20778-0
Cabballero Hymn 1994 4509-99197-2
Cabballero Hymn 1994 4509-99198-2
Capital Sound Higher Love 1994 4509-95896-0
Capital Sound Higher Love 1994 4509-95896-2
D-Emotion Project Pritouritze Planinata 1994 4509-95712-0
Darkness In My Dreams 1995 0630-11100-0
Darkness In My Dreams 1995 0630-11101-9
Deenyte Another Brick 1995 4509-99673-0
Deenyte Another Brick 1995 4509-99673-9
Deep Zone It's Gonna Be Alright 1996 0630-16635-9
Deep Zone It's Gonna Be Alright 1996 0630-16636-0
Deep Zone Lift Your Hands Up! 1996 0630-19345-0
Deep Zone It's Gonna Be Alright 1996 PRO-1122
Disco Blu Disco Blu 1996 0630-17194-9
Disco Blu Disco Blu 1996 0630-17195-0
Disco Blu Alright 1998 3984-23364-9
Disco Blu Feat Baby No More, Baby 1997 3984-20711-9
Disco Blu Feat Baby No More, Baby 1997 3984-20712-0
Disco Blu Feat Baby No More, Baby 1997 PRO-1129
Disco Rouge Disco Rouge 1997 0630-18189-9
Disco Rouge Disco Rouge 1997 0630-18190-0
Disco Rouge Disco Rouge 1997 PRO-1125
DJ BoBo There Is A Party 1995 0630-10833-9
DJ BoBo There Is A Party 1995 0630-10834-2
DJ BoBo Freedom 1995 0630-12316-9
DJ Bobo Freedom 1995 0630-12317-0
DJ BoBo Just For You 1995 0630-12852-2
DJ BoBo Love Is The Price 1996 0630-13862-9
DJ Bobo Let The Dream Come True 1994 4509-98323-2
DJ BoBo There Is A Party 1994 4509 98807 2
DJ BoBo Love Is All Around 1994 4509-99359-2
DJ BoBo Love Is All Around 1994 4509-99360-2
DJ Maurice Champion D'La Glisse 1998 3984-23477-0
DJ Maurice Champion D'La Glisse 1998 3984-23478-9
DJ Schwede Boom Boom 1997 0630-18775-9
DJ Schwede Boom Boom 0630-18776-0
Dusk Til Dawn Fine Night 1998 3984-26 296-9
Freak Brothers Push That Funky Feeling 1995 0630-12362-9
Freak Brothers Push That Funky Feeling 1995 0630-12363-0
Gold Dust Twins Luver (All That I Wanted) 1997 3984-21430-9
Gold Dust Twins Luver (All That I Wanted) 1997 3984-21431-0
Gusto Disco's Revenge 1995 0630-13438-9
Gusto Disco's Revenge 1995 0630-13439-0
Gusto Disco's Revenge 1995 0630-14536-9
Gusto Let's All Chant (6 Monster Mixes) 1996 0630-16328-2
Gusto Let's All Chant (3 Monster Mixes) 1996 0630-16329-9
Gusto Let's All Chant (4 Monster Mixes) 1996 0630-16330-0
Gusto Disco's Revenge 1996 PRO-1116
Gusto Disco's Revenge 1995 PRO-1118
Hacker Get You Baby 1998 3984-24045-9
House Negro Take Me Away 1997 0630-18602-0
Imperio Veni Vidi Vici 1994 4509-98872-2
In Search (2) On Islands 1997 0630-18332-9
In Search (2) On Islands 1997 0630-18333-0
Ixxel Alleeez! 1997 0630-18850-9
Ixxel Alleeez! 1997 0630-18851-0
Ixxel Ich Liebe Dich, Ti Amo, Te Quiero... 1997 3984-20710-0
Ixxel Let's Go (L'Alboom!) 1997 3984-21026-2
Ixxel Païo Bango 1998 3984-22590-9
Ixxel Païo Bango 1998 3984-22591-0
Ixxel Drop That Beat 1998 3984-24949-9
Ixxel Drop That Beat 1998 3984-24950-0
Ixxel Alleeez! 1997 PRO-1128
Koala Indian Spirits 1998 3984-23564-9
Koala Indian Spirits 1998 3984-23565-0
LadyCop To Be Real 1996 0630-18 499-9
LadyCop To Be Real 1996 0630-18500-0
Luce Drayton To Be Loved (Disco Citizens Remix) 1997 3984-22 215-9
Luce Drayton To Be Loved (Disco Citizens Remix) 1997 3984-22 216-0
Mark & Michael Got Me Movin' 1997 0630-19297-0
Mark & Michael Got Me Movin' 1997 06330-19296-9
Michael Kevin If That Girl 1997 PRO-1126
Miss NVY Rock Your Body 1998 3984-22407-9
Miss NVY Rock Your Body 1998 3984-22408-0
Mytos Ring My Bell 1996 0630-15053-9
Mytos Ring My Bell 1997 0630-15062-0
Mytos Ring My Bell 1997 0630-15063-9
Niki Pop Ma Che Storia E'? 1998 3984-22716-9
Ninety Nine Allstars Luv Is All U Need 1996 0630-17969-0
Nostro Basta 1998 3984-24464-0
Nostro Basta 1998 3984-24465-9
Nutcrackers, The Oup! Banana 1995 0630-12696-9
Olli's Club It's Allright 1995 0630-10783-0
Olli's Club It's Allright 1995 0630-10784-9
Olli's Club Partynight 1996 0630-15136-9
Paso Vs Maximus I'm Ready To Shame 1998 3984-26909-9
Paso vs Maximus I'm Ready To Shame 1998 3984-26910-0
Pleasure Game Le Martyr 1995 0630-11378-0
Pleasure Game Le Martyr 1995 0630-11379-9
Princess Hortensia Come All Over 1997 0630-18420-9
Princess Hortensia Come All Over Me 1997 0630-18421-0
Puncher The Wall 1997 3984-20330-0
Puncher The Wall 1997 3984-20331-9
Q-Zar Digital Quartz 1996 PRO-1123
R2 Swing Get Ready (Paris, New York, L.A...) 1995 0630-13217-0
R2 Swing Get Ready (Paris, New York, L.A...) 1995 0630-13218-9
R2 Swing Be Number One 1996 0630-15334-9
R2 Swing Get Ready (Paris, New York, L.A...) 1995 PRO-1115
R2 Swing Be Number One 1996 PRO-1119
Raw Instinct De La Bass 1996 0630-16500-9
Raw Instinct De La Bass 1996 0630-16501-0
Reap The Beat Lets Clean Up The Ghetto 1998 3984-25 949-9
Reap The Beat Lets Clean Up The Ghetto 1998 3984-25950-0
Reel Soul Do You Want Me 1998 3984-22832-0
Reel Soul Feat Carolyn Harding Do You Want Me 1998 3984-22831-9
Regina Killing Me Softly 1996 0630-16595-9
Regina Day By Day 1997 3984-20003-9
Regina Day By Day 1997 3984-20004-0
Regina Close The Door 1998 3984-22588-0
Regina Close The Door 1998 3984-22589-9
Regina Situations 1998 3984 23261 2
Regina Up On The Floor 1998 3984-25 411-9
Regina Up On The Floor 1998 3984-25 412-0
Respect Take Me Away 1997 0630-15151-0
Rollercoaster Keep It Goin' 1997 0630 18920 9
Royal Station Lucidita 1997 0630-19001-9
Royal Station Lucidita 1997 0630-19002-0
Sartorello Move Baby Move 1995 0630 10569 9
Science Get Your Groove On 1997 3984-20275-9
Science Get Your Groove On 1997 3984-20276-0
Shut Up featuring 2 Fast Shut Up! 1995 4509-10199-0
Shut Up featuring 2 Fast Shut Up! 1995 4509-10199-9
Solo Mc Coy Banjo!!! 1994 4509-98157-2
Solo Mc Coy Banjo!!! 1994 4509-98158-0
Sonique I Put A Spell On You 1998 3984-24585-9
Spunky Hyde & Seek 1998 3984-24742-0
Spunky Hyde & Seek 1998 3984-24743-9
Total Bang Let's Goooooo! (Come On Everybody) 1998 3984-26031-9
Total Bang Let's Goooooo! (Come On Everybody) 1998 3984-26032-0
Yena Feel The Beat Of Love 1995 0630-10612-9




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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