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Discoid Corporation   (Italy)

EuroDance  label / records company
Added : 16/03/2014



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Discoid Corporation biography

Italian house and eurodance label Discoid Corporation was started in 1992. Discoid Corporation was a member label of Flying Records Productions.

Discoid Corporation biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021

Discoid Corporation catalog

Artist Title Date Label
4WD You're In My Heart Forever 1994 DIO 078
Adonix Passion Eterna 1994 DIO 061
Alfa Gamma Somebody Move 1994 DIO 054
Amigo Amigo Bayla 1993 DIO 044
Anadyn Non Ti Drogare 1992 DIO 014
Anima Ladina Down Underground 1992 DIO 012
Beat Control (2) Love Life 1994 DIO 049
Canthina Band Gold 1992 DIO 025
Carrasco Tony Dirty Talk Classics In 6 Sessions 1992 DIO 001
D-Fence Love For You 1994 DIO 074
Darry Hard So Much Baby 1994 DIO 062
Datura Destino 1994 DIO 052 CD
Datura Le 18 Allucinazioni Dei Datura 1994 DIO 077 CD
DD Why Take Me Over 1995 DIO 080
Dino Lenny Time To Change 1992 DIO 004
Discovery Project Hush 1994 DIO 050
DJ Martin Explosive Melody 1995 DIO 081
DJ Roman A Pitar 1994 DIO 068
DJJ Making Again 1994 DIO 079
Double Team Babe (Let's Get) 1994 DIO 066
Dr Felix ABC 1994 DIO 064
Equinox (13) My House 1994 DIO 051
Extra Large Stand By Me 1993 DIO 037
F R Connection Listen Up 1993 DIO 043
Fatherfunkin' Keep Your Mind Changed 1992 DIO 011
Ferrante & Co Featuring Kay Bianco Breakin' Away 1992 DIO 002
Five Stressful Guys Techno Carneval 1993 DIO 026
FR Connection Listen Up (Remix) 1993 DIO 047
FR Connection Feat Master Freez Without Your Love 1994 DIO 059
Francois Deejay Sound Of The Underground 1993 DIO 035
Fresh n' Funk Rhythm Of Soweto EP 1992 DIO 010
Full Effect Make It Move 1994 DIO 070
Guarana Mueve La Cabeza 1994 DIO 075
Head Trip I Mean A. 1992 DIO 009
House Lab The Whistle 1993 DIO 034
Illogical Score Misterya 1992 DIO 008
Illogical Score R.A.V.E...L 1992 DIO 016
ITA Playground Drop It DIO 018
ITA Playground Move Over 1994 DIO 055
Key Project Featuring Clay That's Sweet Love 1994 DIO 053
Kick Up I Do It Naturally 1993 DIO 041
LaCurva Iberica 1993 DIO 048
Lacurva Para Siempre 1994 DIO 060
Le Clap So In Love With You 1993 DIO 029
Le Clap So In Love With You 1993 DIO 031
Lindi Sunshine 1992 DIO 015
Lyric Complicated 1993 DIO 042
MASI A Little Higher 1994 DIO 056
Maxim Let Me Feel The Groove 1994 DIO 072
Mega Dance Generation 1993 DIO 040
Midi Boys The Boys Next Door (Remix By K K) 1994 DIO 076
Moja' Car Touch Me 1993 DIO 033
Moka Poison Blood 1992 DIO 013
Mr Polon All Night Long 1994 DIO 067
NFL Limited Love Is A Fiction 1994 DIO 058
Night Flight (2) Volcano 1992 DIO 006
Noise Stop The Noise 1993 DIO 038
O-Zone Break Free (Remix By F.R. Connection) 1993 DIO 046
One Shot Set You Free 1994 DIO 069
Patty Johnson I've Got The Feeling 1994 DIO 073
Positive Positive Beat 1993 DIO 028
REPLICA I Begin To Run 1992 DIO 027
Robert J Group I Believe In Your Power 1994 DIO 057
Ronny Money Ula La 1992 DIO 020
Ronny Money Ula La (Remixes) 1992 DIO 030
Ronny Money Money's Back 1993 DIO 039
Ronny Money Again N' Again 1994 DIO 063
Scrooge (2) Hard Christmas EP 1992 DIO 021
Scrooge (2) Hard Christmas 1992 DIO 022 CD
Scrooge (2) Hard Christmas 1992 DIO 022 LP
Sigrid Espana Enjoy 1994 DIO 065
Son Of God Free Up The Land 1993 DIO 045
Sound On Stage Take On Me 1994 DIO 071
Strobofobia Runner 1992 DIO 003
Sweat Society, The Is it True 1992 DIO 005
TorMenTo Zzzzz..... 1992 DIO 024
Trinchetto Can Can 1992 DIO 019
Venus 26 Excusez Moi! 1993 DIO 032
Wolf's Gang Operá 1992 DIO 017
XL Project E.F.F.E.C.T. 1993 DIO 036
Zen (3) Undertone 1992 DIO 007




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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