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Di Bronx and Natali

Di Bronx and Natali   (Belarus)

EuroDance group
Added : 15/10/2000

Zona Vsemirnoi Vecherinki
Zemlya Mechti
Potomu Shto
Potomu Shto (Because)
Energia Liubvi
Vremya Bystree Vetra
Bez Tebya
Balalaika '04
Sever I Yug
Noviy God Zovyot
Ot Serdtsa K Serdtsu
Energia Liubvi 2015
Bolshe Schastlivykh Lyudey
Idi Na Golos Moy
93 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Latest Di Bronx and Natali news

19/12/2024 : Di Bronx & Natali published a videoclip for the DJ Ramezz remix of their current single Bolshe Schastlivykh Lyudey, including footage from dance school MDC NRG in Moscow. Another remix by EuroDACER is also on its way...

12/12/2024 : DJ Ramezz did a remix for Di Bronx and Natali's latest single Bolshe Schastlivykh Lyudey

27/10/2024 : Discover the videoclip for Di Bronx & Natali's new single Больше счастливых людей (Thanks to Klems)

15/10/2024 : Yesterday, Di Bronx & Natali announced that their new single's release date would be set on October 25th and that it would be entitled Bolshe Schastlivykh Lyudey. They also published the tracks from their reedited first album (thanks to Denis)

04/09/2024 : Di Bronx and Natali announced that they were currently working on new songs

27/01/2024 : Natali Art published an unreleased and quite different version of Di Bronx and Natali' song Izo Vseh Sil recorded in 1995 with her voice (thanks to Klems)

20/09/2018 : First Di Bronx & Natali album Zona Vsemirnoi Vecherinki was reedited as a digipack. Songs were remastered, and 4 bonus tracks were added. You can order it from this page.

More news


Di Bronx and Natali albums

Zona Vsemirnoi Vecherinki Zona Vsemirnoi Vecherinki 1996
Zemlya Mechti Zemlya Mechti 1997
Potomu Shto Potomu Shto (German version) 2002
Potomu Shto (Because) Potomu Shto (Because) 2002


Di Bronx and Natali singles

Nadejda Nadejda (feat. Lena Zosimova) Compilation only  
Energia Liubvi Energia Liubvi 1994  
Balalaika Balalaika Compilation only 1996  
Aleksandra Aleksandra Compilation only 1997  
Vremya Bystree Vetra Vremya Bystree Vetra 2003  
Bez Tebya Bez Tebya Compilation only 2003  
Balalaika '04 Balalaika '04 2004  
Sever I Yug Sever I Yug (feat Inna Afanasieva) 2004  
Noviy God Zovyot Noviy God Zovyot (feat. Russian Allstars) Compilation only Jul 2010  
Ot Serdtsa K Serdtsu Ot Serdtsa K Serdtsu 25th Jul 2014  
Energia Liubvi 2015 Energia Liubvi 2015 1st Jan 2015  
Bolshe Schastlivykh Lyudey Bolshe Schastlivykh Lyudey Video only 25th Oct 2024  


Di Bronx and Natali remixes

Bolshe Schastlivykh Lyudey Bolshe Schastlivykh Lyudey 13th Dec 2024  


Aliases - Records released under other names

Idi Na Golos Moy Di Bronx feat. Dimitri Koldyn - Idi Na Golos Moy 5th Nov 2015  


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Di Bronx and Natali biography

Di Bronx and Natali (Ди-Бронкс & Натали) is a eurodance project whose main originality is to rap and sing in Russian. The story begins in 1994. D-Bronx (real name : Denis Shpitalnikov) worked in Minsk (Belarus) as a DJ. In his head came the idea to create an eurodance project that would be as good as a the western ones. It took some time to find the female vocalist, but first duo experience was great at once. They teamed up with DJ AleX who wrote all songs from the 2 first albums before stopping working with Bronx. The producer was Valeks Buyak. There was a succession of 2 vocalists both of them being called Natali. First was Natali Artemova, a jazz singer born in Stavropol, who later moved to Paris and even took parto to a lyrical competition at the opéra Bastille. Then Natalya Kudrina (Natali) who was featured on Zemlya Mechti.

Energy of Love, the first single, was also the young project's major breakthrough. At the beginning of 1995, they appeared live for the first time on a stage in Belarus. At the beginning of 1996 the first album Energy of Love was ready. They took the decision to move to Moscow, the only way for them to achive a career. They released their first album under the Polygram Russia label and the first video was shot. They enjoyed a massive success, and after a few months they became one of the most fashionable groups in Moscow and in the whole Russia.

August 31st 1996 : D-Bronx and Natali took part to a live concert entitled 'Dancing City' that took place in Moscow, with other Eurodance artists such as E-Type, Snap, Boney M, Masterboy or 740 Boyz. They left Minsk to settle down in Moscow.

On the 1st september 1997 they released their second album named Zemlya Mechty (The World of Dreams). The album included a cover of Alla Pugacheva's 80s hit Balalaika (a video was shot for this song). The replacement of the first Natali (who was fired) by the second was almost unnoticed by the audience. In 1998 was also recorded the song Nadejda (Hope) with the vocalist Lena Zosimova.

They call the Masterboy as their "fathers". And effectively some of their songs had some Masterboy inspiration : Zemlya Mechty (reminding of Land of Dreaming), and Vozvraschajas V Te Dni (reminding of La Ola Hand In Hand).

In 1998 Natali left the group but in November 1999 on a large musical festival in Mogilev ' the Gold Hit ' Di-Bronx and Natali appeared together again, which was completely unexpected for everyone, singing completely new songs !

In 2000 the group was planning to release a new album entitled Forever.

January 2001 : Bronx & Natali spend Christmas with their family. However, they could be seen performing on the 1st of January in the Paradiz Club in Minsk. Afterwards Natali flew to Bahrayn for some concerts she had to give. She came back in April to join D-Bronx team and start working on new material for the group.

June 2001 : on the 11th June, after some efforts to match their schedules, Di-Bronx & Natali and Leonid Bortkevich recorder together some songs. More precisely, Bronx supervised while Natali and Leonid sang. Bronx and Natali were delighted with this recording, they had dreamed of for a long time.

July 2001 : Di Bronx and Natali were invited to take part to their country's greatest musical festival : Slavyanskiy Bazar that will stand in Vitebsk from the 20th to the 26th of July. They should have the time to come back from their tour in the USA. They should also be in Minsk for he Bielarus Independance Day, the City Day and the Youth Day, on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of July. Meanwhile, the group has started working with DJ Aleksi in studio on new songs.

The same year, Nataly Artemova released a solo-song : Slova Lyubvi (Words of love) on Belarussian compilation Bulba hit. According to rumours, there could even be a full album. She then settled down in France, doing gigs in cabarets.

2002 : the new album, including 13 songs, was entitled Potomu Shto. In June it was finally released, but only available in Russia and in Germany. Only 3 songs were pure eurodance, the other ones were good euro-pop. Almost every song included Bronx's rap. Natali's voice in some songs sounded like singer from Russian band "Virus"...

The same year, they released a song entitled Vremya Rozhestva (Christmas time).

2003 : their new single was entitled Vremya Bystree Vetra (meaning "Faster then the wind"). The follow-up single should be entitled Ya Hochu Ostatsa Odna (I want to be alone). They also recorded a song entitled Bez Tebya (Without you) which was released on a compilation.

2004 : the song Balalika '04 was released. Di-Bronx also recorded with Inna Afanasieva the song Sever I Yug (North & south) and released it in Belarussia.

Natalya Kudrina released some solo singles : Ty and Bez Tebya. In 2004 she announced that her first solo album was almost ready for release.

In 2005 : Natalya Kudrina released a single with Street Masters entitled Ya Odna (I'm Alone).

2006 : on the 8th March, Bronx had a son. He worked for the Belarussian TV channel STV as musical director. Natali also had a daughter some time ago.

Natalya Artemova is now known as Natali Art. She went back to studio to record her first album, Par delà les frontières (Beyond borders), a blend of traditional Russian songs that she finally released in 2008.

More recently, Natalya Kudrina released the single Vse proydet (Everything has gone away), a cover of old Russian song by singer & actor Michail Boyarsky. She is now known as Venera.

2013 : on October 11th, Di Bronx & Natali performed a remix of Balalaika during International schlager festival in Ice Palace, Mogilev (Belarus).

2024 : the project announced that they were back with a new single : Больше счастливых людей

D-Bronx & Natali official Russian website
Masterboy fansite
Thanks to Yef, Klems, Anton MC Ka$per Skaletsky, Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin, D-Man'94, Alexander Selyanin and Viktor "Rico"

Di Bronx and Natali biography was last updated Wed, October 16th 2024




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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