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Latest Sonia Davis news
20/02/2024 : Sonia Davis took part to The Voice Senior blind auditions. She performed a cover of Bette Davis Eyes (which was also the first song she released as a solo singer) and all the coaches turned around for her. She chose Italian rapper Clementino as coach
Sonia Davis albums
Just Believe It | 13th Apr 2018 | BUY
Sonia Davis singles
Bette Davis Eyes | 1992 |
Are You Ready To Go | 1992 |
Music Is My Life | 1994 |
Love Affair | 1995 |
Such A Shame | 1996 |
Featurings and collaborations
Universal Tracks - You Got Me | 1992 |
FPI Project - Feel It | 1992 |
FPI Project - Come On (And Do It) | 28th Apr 1993 |
FPI Project - Tell Me Why | 13th Jul 1995 |
Crudelia - You Forever | 2007 |
MFX2 - Bette Davis Eyes | 22nd Mar 2024 |
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Sonia Davis biography
Real name : Sonia Zanzi. Label : Paradise Project.
Bette Davis Eyes was a cover of a hit originally performed by Kim Carnes. It contained a B-side called Tribal Superstar written by M. Frattini, C. Foresti, R. Biffi and L. Bericchia. It was produced and mixed by Marco Fratty, Corrado Presti, Roberto Intralazzi and Luciano Berry, recorded and mixed at Garden Studio. It was licensed under ZYX in Germany, Scorpio in France.
Sonia Davis did vocals on FPI Project - Feel It, Tell Me Why and Come On (And Do It). She also contributed to Universal Tracks' song You Got Me. In 1993, she refused a collaboration with Simply Red.
In 1994, she released Music Is My Life and in 1995, Love Affair. Both were recorded in Garden Studio in Bergamo, produced and mixed by Corrado Presti, Luciano Berry, Marco Fratty and Roberto Intrallazzi for Pipierre Production.
The following year, she recorded with DJ Maurizio Verbeni and Paolo Cimarelli a house cover of Talk Talk's hit Such A Shame under the label Source Of Music.
She never stopped singing, even when she opened a bar, Crudelia di Russi, with her boyfriend Gianni. But Gianni died following a brain aneurysm that left him in a coma for a year. At the age of 39, Sonia had to face a debt 350 000 euros and to raise their son Federico alone.
2007 : Sonia was featured on Crudelia's single You Forever.
2015 : she lives in Ravenna. She performed on stage in Ponte Marino with the pianist Mario Accardo songs ranging from the Beatles to Tina Turner, including big Italian hits. She released a digital album, Just Believe It. She also tours solo, with Gabriele Gazzani, or with her Sonia Davis Quartet (other members are Luca Felloni, Mario Accardo and Enzo Audino). She also works in a fast-food in Ravenna.
2024 : Sonia took part to The Voice Senior blind auditions on Italian channel Rai 1. She sung her first single Bette Davis Eyes and the performance was so amazing that all the 4 coaches turned around for her.
Thanks to Astralys and Gianni
Sonia Davis biography was last updated Sat, February 17th 2024
Links to Sonia Davis
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DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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