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Dance Rhythm   (Italy)

EuroDance  label / records company
Added : 07/09/2014



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Dance Rhythm biography

Italian label Dance Rhythm was a sublabel of Benvenuto Ed. Musicali.

Dance Rhythm biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021

Dance Rhythm catalog

Artist Title Date Label
Alex Prax Lens Distortions 2010 DANCE 093
Deep Walker 4 U / Just Deep 1994 DANCE MIX 9410
DJMT featuring Lory Lee The Music 1994 DANCE MIX 9407
Fresh Mould I'm In Love 1994 DANCE MIX 9411
Hugh K Shine On 1993 DANCE MIX 9302
Hugh K One More Time 1994 DANCE MIX 9412
JJ Power Stay With Me 1994 DANCE MIX 9413
Mayday Project Mayday 2009 DANCE 084
Miami House Attack feat George McCrae Rock My No.1's 1994 DANCE MIX 9414
Miky Mouse Get On Down 1993 Dance Mix 9306
MR Sound Charlie 1993 DANCE MIX 9301
Riccardo Corda Night Time Inspiration 2009 DANCE 089
Sarah J Baby 1993 DANCE MIX 9305
Shay Faith In Nature 1994 DANCE MIX 9409
Shay Rompeti Pompeti 1994 DANCE MIX 9416
Shay Ask Me 1996 DANCE MIX 9601
Taste The Rhythm Burning Up 1993 Dance Mix 9304
Tusk Dana Come On (Make My Day) 1994 DANCE MIX 9415
Valli Melody Crazy 1993 DANCE MIX 9303
Zo-Ro Mikado 1994 DANCE MIX 9408




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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