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Damage Control

Damage Control   (Germany)

EuroDance group
Added : 23/03/2000

Don't You Feel My Pain
You've Got To Believe
92 1993 1994 1995

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09/02/2004 : Damage Control are back ! They released a new single called Destroy All The Limits.

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Damage Control singles

Don't You Feel My Pain Don't You Feel My Pain 26th Nov 1993  
You've Got To Believe You've Got To Believe 17th Jun 1994  
Trust Trust 24th Jul 1995  


Damage Control remixes

Don't U Feel My Pain Don't U Feel My Pain 1993  
Trust Trust 1995  



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Damage Control biography

Executive Production by Bass Bumpers Music.
Published by Editon Noiseless/ Warner Chappell. Released by WEA Music
Musical team : Guido Kramer, Dennis Bierbrodt, Thomas Wieczorek, Jens Gayi, Inan
Singer : Kathie D.
Rapper : Mr CBB

Don't U Feel My Pain was the first single to be released by the project. It was followed by You've Got To Believe the next year. The single Trust was released in 1995, it is the best eurodance single they've ever released. All these singles were followed by the release of a remixes vinyls.

Damage Control are also a remixer team : they remixed tracks for Red 5, Sarah Brightman, General Base...

2004 : Damage Control are back with a brand new single called Destroy All The Limits. It features a solo female vocalist and the style is powerful eurotrance.

Remixes done by Damage Control team :

Activate - I Say What I Want, Tell Me
Bass Bumpers - (Keep Me) Runnin'
General Base - Base Of Love, On & On
Kim Sanders - Ride
Miss Peppermint - The Beat Is Rocking, Back In Time
Prince Ital Joe feat. Marky Mark - United, Happy People
Red 5 - I Love You... Stop
Sarah Brightman - A Question Of Honour
U96 - Inside Your Dreams, Love Religion

Thanks to Christian "DTM" NoLimits, Anton "MC Kasper" Skaletsky, and Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin

Damage Control biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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