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Latest D-Rock news
09/07/2012 : D-Rock posted his most recent hip-hop/rap creations on his Soundcloud account. (Thanks to Eurodance Blog)
14/02/2012 : D-Rock (2 Brothers on the 4th Floor rapper) was featured by James Stefano on a cover of Eurythmics hit Sweet Dreams. (Thanks to Dance Music News)
20/03/2010 : D-Rock (2 Brothers on the 4th Floor rapper) is currently a member of group Sweetcoffee. The recently released a single entitled U-turn (from their album Face To Face in stores since February 25, 2010.
D-Rock singles
I Can't Believe It's Over | 1991 |
Featurings and collaborations
2 Brothers on the 4th floor - Never Alone | 3rd Dec 1993 |
2 Brothers on the 4th floor - Dreams | 11th Jul 1994 |
2 Brothers on the 4th floor - Let Me Be Free | 4th Nov 1994 |
2 Brothers on the 4th floor - Fly (Through The Starry Night) | 30th Mar 1995 |
2 Brothers on the 4th floor - Come Take My Hand | 4th Sep 1995 |
2 Brothers on the 4th floor - Fairytales | Feb 1996 |
2 Brothers on the 4th floor - Mirror of Love | Jul 1996 |
2 Brothers on the 4th floor - There's A Key | Nov 1996 |
2 Brothers on the 4th floor - Christmas Time | Dec 1996 |
2 Brothers on the 4th floor - One Day | May 1997 |
Sucker DJ's - Movin' On Down | 19th Jan 2007 |
Sweet Coffee - U-Turn | 2010 |
James Stefano - Sweet Dreams 2012 | Feb 2012 |
Aliases - Records released under other names
Mr Phillips - Who Manna Make | 2003 |
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D-Rock biography
Rapper for the group 2 Brothers on the 4th floor. His real name is René Phillips and he was born in Aruba on January, 17th 1970.
He left Aruba at the age of 6 to emigrate to the Netherlands. He lives nowadays in Amsterdam but he used to live in Utrecht (the home town of the real Brothers; Martin and Bobby Boer). He spent his early teenage years in Dayton, Ohio and returned to Holland at the age 18 to pursue a career in music.
He started under the name of CMC, as rapper for the group Master Rockers, later renamed Mellow MCs, in collaboration with a friend, Benny Ferrier (aka Mighty B) in 1989. René met a lot of artists, among which the rappers of the group 24K, who were searching for a guest rapper for their 2nd album Words... Yet Unspoken. The album featuring René as CMC was released in 1992 under the label DJAX. The same year, René could be heard on King Bee's album Royal Jelly (with Pryme and Allstar Fresh aka Guan Elmzoon), and of course the mini album Working Undercover released by the Mellow MC's.
Then he ran into his future producers. With them he recorded and released a solo single called I Can't Believe It's Over, unfortunately for him the single didn't do that well. Raps would be later reused on an eponymous track on 2 Brothers on the 4th Floor's first album. He should have been the rapper on Can't Help Myself et Turn Da Music Up too, but at that time he was tied by a contract in another records company... For the 2 Brothers on the 4th Floor's third single, he joined the project along with the female vocalist Des'ray. This was the beginning of a succesful story which led to 10 top 10 singles...
In 1993 he met Brian Busby and together in 1995 they created the label CMC Records, (under which were released debut singles of E-life, Postman and Two Outta Milions) in collaboration with Soul Relations, one of the most active black music label in the Netherlands. During 2 years, D-rock also presented the TMF TV show The Pitch together with the rapper Glaze. The show presented every week the best national and international hip-hop artists. After the show's last season, Glaze and René joined the station New Dance Radio. There, together with DJ Mass, they presented a weekly radio hip-hop show called Tha Bomb.
René's love for music also goes out to Hip Hop (Rap) an R&B music. He is the biggest fan of Janet Jackson and hopes to meet her once.
In 2000, René and Brian signed a partnership contract with Edel Records and moved their studios to Hilversum. They oriented their activity to new talents discovery. For instance Keeyel who scored a hit with the single Geef Me Dat Ding
2003 : D-Rock released a hip-hop single named Who Wanna Make (Chi Ching) under the artist name of Mr. Philips feat. Masta. The single entered the Yorin Pepsi Chart, the Mega top 100, and the box top 50. After these release the mini album The Bootleg EP was released in September 2003, produced by Big Dawg. The vinyl contained 6 strong clubtracks, with guest performances of Richmen Inc., Laquatal, Masta and the singer Karima Lemghari. Meanwhile, he spent 2 years working for Funx radio.
2004 : René reoriented his activities to new artists production. In association with Bas & Joel, he scored a top 20 hit with the single Too Dangerous! He started working for The Box TV, the collaboration ended in 2005.
2006 : D-rock deejays every Saturday night on FunX Amsterdam Club, and on Monday nights from 21:30 in the urban lifestyle program ULS op the Box. In January and May, he appeared on stage with Des'ray to sing the 2 Brothers on the 4th Floor's greatest hits.
2007 : he collaborated with the house project Soul Migrantz on the track Calling Chicago.
2008 : in November, another result of his collaboration with Soul Migrantz was the track Socialize
2010 : though he is still the official rapper of 2 Brothers on the 4th Floor, he is also a member of group Sweetcoffee. They released their second single U-turn from the album Face 2 Face in 2010. He currently lives in Antwerp, Belgium.
2012 : D-Rock was featured by James Stefano on a cover of Eurythmics hit Sweet Dreams.
2024 : D-Rock revealed that he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease as 38 years old only, and that he had been living with the disease for more than 15 years
2 Brothers on The 4th Floor Official Site in Veronica
2 Brothers at NDG
Dance Artist Infos
D-rock at Busby Media
Rene Phillips on Facebook
Thanks to Tavi Meran, Klems
D-Rock biography was last updated Fri, May 20th 2022
Links to D-Rock
Official websites
D-Rock on Twitter
Rene Carolito Philips on Facebook
Rene Phillips on Facebook
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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