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Featurings and collaborations
Roxy - Sve Sto Si Znao, Zaboravi (album) | 1996 |
Productions, co-production, executive production
Nina (2) - Godine Nestvarne (album) | 1995 |
Roxy - Sve Sto Si Znao, Zaboravi (album) | 1996 |
Nina (2) - Godine Nestvarne (album) | 1995 |
Roxy - Sve Sto Si Znao, Zaboravi (album) | 1996 |
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Denis Curman biography
Croatian composer, producer and artist manager Denis Curman started his musical carreer as he was only 14, as a singer and guitarist in rock band Ad acta. His first production was Energy SS - Lili Marlen in 1991, featuring vocals by Nina Badrić. Then he started to work for Italian records company Time. He wrote hits such as Hey Hey for Vanessa, Music for Sophie, Power Of Love by Casanova, Pretty Woman for Lolita.
In Croatia, he contributed to Simplicia's album Komplikaci Jee!, to Roxy's album Sve Sto Si Znao (along with songwriter Renata Šimić who became his wife), Zaboravi and to Nina's Godine Nestvarne.
More recently, he worked on dance projects such as Impressione, mB exciter, Enrico, Goldie T. and aLien, pop projects Marina and Ellena and trance projects Night riders, AM Beat, Dragon and HercegBoys.
Denis Curman interview by Zeljko Vujkovic
Denis Curman biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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