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Channel X

Channel X   (Belgium)

EuroDance group
Added : 11/04/2006

To The Top (Japan)
Tuned In Turned On
Groove To Move
Rave The Rhythm
A Million Colours
Take It To The Top
Love Is Everything
Feel My Love / Rave In The Key Of X
I Feel So Free
Rhythm Of The Night
Keep On Movin'
90 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

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28/08/2008 : A single entitled Burning Train was released under the name Channel X, but it does not seem to be the same project.

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Channel X albums

To The Top (Japan) To The Top (Japan) 1994
Tuned In Turned On Tuned In Turned On 1996


Channel X singles

Groove To Move Groove To Move 1991  
Rave The Rhythm Rave The Rhythm 1991  
A Million Colours A Million Colours 1992  
Take It To The Top Take It To The Top 1994  
Love Is Everything Love Is Everything 1995  
Feel My Love / Rave In The Key Of X Feel My Love / Rave In The Key Of X 1996  
I Feel So Free I Feel So Free (Japan release) 1996  
Rhythm Of The Night Rhythm Of The Night 1996  
Keep On Movin' Keep On Movin' 1997  



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Channel X biography

Members : Jade 4U (Cornelia "Nikkie" Van Lierop), Oliver Adams, Praga Khan (Maurice Engelen).

Channel X's first single Rave the Rhythm was ready after 2 days of hard studio work. As soon as the test pressing was made, they went and tried it in different discotheques and indeed, the audience went wild. In 1991 Rave the Rhythm had forced its way into the European dance charts, Channel X was touring all over Europe and appeared several times on television. It was taking up as part of the soundtrack of Paul Verhoeven's erotic thriller Basic Instinct.

Soon after the success of the first single the team went back into the studio to make the follow up Groove to Move. This adrenalin-stimulating record was licensed by PWL and became a top 40 record in the UK.

1994 saw the release of the first Channel X full album Take It To the Top. The single of the same name became a number one record in Japan. The band did some extensive touring in the land of the rising sun and became the leader of the Euro techno invasion. The succes in Japan was that big that the band invested all their studio time in the production of Japanese flavored techno songs.

In 1996 Channel X returned to Europe. The first new release was the single The Rhythm of the Night. The same year, Never Records US, released the album Tuned In, Turned On featuring all the Channel X classics and many new ones.

Thanks to Apho
Channel X website

Channel X biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021

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DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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