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Cartouche   (Belgium)

EuroDance group
Added : 24/01/2000

House Music All Night Long
Do Your Thing
Hold On
Let The Music Take Control
Feel The Groove
Touch The Sky
Feel The Rain
Runnin' Up That Hill
89 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997


Cartouche albums

House Music All Night Long House Music All Night Long 23rd Jul 1991


Cartouche singles

Do Your Thing Do Your Thing 1991  
Hold On Hold On 1991  
Let The Music Take Control Let The Music Take Control 1991  
Feel The Groove Feel The Groove May 1991  
Shame Shame 23rd Sep 1993  
Touch The Sky Touch The Sky 16th Dec 1994  
Feel The Rain Feel The Rain 23rd Apr 1996  
Miracles Miracles 24th Aug 1996  
Runnin' Up That Hill Runnin' Up That Hill 25th Mar 1997  


Cartouche remixes

Feel The Groove Feel The Groove 1990  
Shame Shame 1993  
Touch The Sky Touch The Sky 1994  
Feel The Groove 94 Feel The Groove 94 25th Apr 1994  



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Cartouche biography

Members : Myrelle Tholen (vocals), Jean-Paul Visser (vocals), Serge Raemaekers (producer), Georgia Jones (guest vocalist).

Behind Cartouche stands the producer Serge Ramaekers, who also took part to the projects T-spoon, 2 Boys... Their first single Feel The Groove (borrowing samples to, for instance Karen Finley - Drop That Ghetto Blaster!) was an instant hit. In France it peaked to #13. An album entitled House Music All Night Long followed. It was co-produced by Wim Tops and Peter Revalk, released in Canada and US before Germany.

Hold On was released as single in the US under Scotti Bros label in 1991. It was co-produced, mixed and co-written by Freddy Bastone.

The Canadian version of Miracles included 3 extra mixes, among them a remix by 1-800-Dis-N-Dat.

2007 : the former members of the project kept in touch. Jean-Paul Visser is living in Holland. He is still not married and does not have any children. Myrelle Tholen runs a streetdance school in Essen (Belgium). She married Jan, and they have a 13 years old daugther called Joandi, and a almost 3 years old son names Gianluca. Myrelle does not sing anymore to have more time for her family and her other passion, streetdance.

Thanks to Myrelle Tholen herself

Cartouche biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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