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Cabballero   (Germany)

EuroDance group
Added : 24/01/2000

The Elements
Gimme Gimme (More And More)
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes
Love Is The Message
Love Is A Shield EP
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes 2
Sleeping (Now That You've Gone)
Paris Latino
Eye Of The Tiger
One Night in Bangkok
93 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Latest Cabballero news

21/07/2017 : Cabballero are back and team with Pit Bailay on a cover of Murray Head's One Night In Bangkok.

31/10/2001 : Cabballero released a remixed version of their single Dancing With Tears In My Eyes.

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Cabballero albums

The Elements The Elements 11th Dec 1995


Cabballero singles

Gimme Gimme (More And More) Gimme Gimme (More And More) 1994  
Hymn Hymn 10th Sep 1994  
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes Dancing With Tears In My Eyes 27th Jan 1995  
Love Is The Message Love Is The Message 22nd Jun 1995  
Love Is A Shield EP Love Is A Shield EP 21st Aug 1995  
Nanaya Nanaya 11th Dec 1995  
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes 2 Dancing With Tears In My Eyes 2 30th Oct 2001  
Sleeping (Now That You've Gone) Sleeping (Now That You've Gone) 2004  
Paris Latino Paris Latino 11th Jul 2011  
Eye Of The Tiger Eye Of The Tiger 29th Mar 2013  
One Night in Bangkok One Night in Bangkok 4th Aug 2017  


Cabballero remixes

Hymn (Sphinx Remix) Hymn (Sphinx Remix) 1994  
Hymn (Mix & Remix) Hymn (Mix & Remix) 1994  
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes Dancing With Tears In My Eyes 1995  
Nanaya Nanaya 1995  
Hymn (the remixes by Pit Bailay) Hymn (the remixes by Pit Bailay) 7th May 2021  
Hymn (The Hypertechno Mixes) Hymn (The Hypertechno Mixes) 8th Nov 2024  



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Cabballero biography

Cabballero was created by the musician Ja'Ma (Jama Johnson). The project was produced by Cabballero, R. Ribeiroa (Ronald Bähr) and Ricco Raggazzi. Rumors said the project featured the voices of the rapper A. Godwin and the female vocalist Linda Temple. This was false. According to the booklet of the album, the members were Serena M "Pearl" (rap, background vocals, performing), Kristy B (aka Kristina Barth : background vocals, performing), Zlata K "Swat" (background vocals, performing, dancer). But once again, this was not really true : actually the voices belonged to the studio vocalists Christina Safrany and Sara Pola. The singles were released under the Shift Music label.

The group started back in 1994 starting with the euro-trance style hit Hymn which was a cover version of the 80s group Ultra Vox (originally released in 27th November 1982). Hymn was released in France under the Do It Music label. It entered Top 10 in Israel (more precisely # 4) and Germany, and peaked # 1 in Spain and Italy. Rapper sounded a little like Deon Blue from Pharao (whose team did a remix for the song). After this great success the producers decided to keep on making euro-versions to the Ultra Vox hits.

The next in roll was Dancing With Tears In My Eyes, released in 1994, which also was top ten in Israel (# 4 once again), Spain, Italy (# 2) and Germany. It was so successful that once again a remixes CD was released (with a Rave remix, a Tears remix, a Goa remix and a Girls remix).

After that in 1995 came the 3rd single, Love Is A Shield, a cover of the Camouflage group (a German Depeche Mode-like band), a great eurodance hit which was # 1 in Israel dance chart, # 1 in Italy, # 5 in Spain and entered the Top 20 in Germany. The CD included a B-side entitled Mental Trance. Then they released their debut album in 1995, called The Elements.

The album included the original euro hip-hop title Teardrops and a feature track Lover
With An Attitude
. These 2 tracks were re-released under K-Town Records, launching the start of the Girl Talk project, which featured Cabballero's original dancers Pearl, Zlata and Kristy B, along with Colin Eley. Lover With An Attitude received much airplay and became a radio hit prompting a remix and U.S. release in 1999

The next hit was Faith Is Rising which wasn't as big a hit but still entered Top 40 in Germany, Spain, Austria, Italy and Belgium.

The last single from the album was released in the beginning of 1996. It was a European hit but failed elsewhere in the world. This single was called Nanaya and was sampled from Israel national anthem.

Cabballero took the success of his name and live performances throughout Europe to new heights with a follow-up from his track Teardrops into managing other groups which resulted in creating a new sub label for Shift Music called K-Town Records. This is how they brought the first successful European hip-hop group, Down Low, to the German public. The Cabballero team also did remixes for projects such as Ryan Paris, Sonic Beat - I Can Fly, Samira's When I Look Into Your Eyes or Unlimited Nation's single Move Your Body.

2001 : Cabballero came back and released Dancing With Tears In My Eyes 2 on October 30th.

2017 : Cabballero teamed with Pit Bailay to release a cover of Murray Head's One Night In Bangkok

Remixes done by Cabballero

Ryan Paris - Dolce Vita 95
Samira's When I Look Into Your Eyes
Sonic Beat - I Can Fly
Unlimited Nation - Move Your Body

Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts positions
Thanks to Christian and Anton "MC Ka$per" Skaletsky for the latest informations
Dance Artists Infos

Cabballero biography was last updated Wed, August 21st 2024




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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