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Blue (Deon) (USA)
AKA : Eric P. III, Marcus Deon Thomas, MD Thomas, Daddy D
EuroDance member
Added : 20/11/2001
Latest Deon Blue news
13/03/2005 : Murphy Brown feat Daddy D (new name of Deon Blue, ex-rapper of Pharao) Don't Stop The Rock 2.5 entered the German DJ Playlist at #99.
06/03/2005 : Deon Blue (rapper of Pharao) is back under the name Daddy D, as rapper for DJ Murphy Brown (who released previously a cover of the track Axel F with Captain Hollywood) (thanks to Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkine").
Featurings and collaborations
DJ Murphy Brown - Don't Stop The Rock 2.5 |
Mega Dope Posse - I Need Rhythm |
Splash - I Need Rhythm | 1990 |
Splash - Set The Groove On Fire | 1991 |
Splash - Joy And Pain | 1991 |
Splash - Got 2 Have Your Love | 1992 |
Splash - Tell Me Why | 1993 |
Odyssey - Talk To Me | 1993 |
Fast Forward - Do What You Want Me To Do | 1994 |
Pharao - I Show You Secrets | Apr 1994 |
E-Rotic - Max Don't Have Sex With Your Ex | 23rd Jun 1994 |
Pharao - There Is A Star | Sep 1994 |
Pharao - World Of Magic | Jan 1995 |
Blue Tribe - She's Cool (Come Into My Life) | 1997 |
Splash - Got 2 Have Your Love | 1992 |
Splash - Tell Me Why | 1993 |
Odyssey - Talk To Me | 1993 |
Pharao - I Show You Secrets | Apr 1994 |
Pharao - There Is A Star | Sep 1994 |
Pharao - World Of Magic | Jan 1995 |
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Deon Blue biography
(Marcus Deon Thomas) aka Deon Blue was born on the 20th January 1970 in Los Angeles (in Opelika, Alabama according to some German newspapers), where he started his carreer, taking part to various rap-groups. Then he came to Germany where he created the hip-hop project Mega Dope Posse. With them he released a single entitled I Need Rhythm. Then he became member the dance group Splash (which had some chart success during the years 1990-1991), under the pseudonym Eric P. III.
He performed as rapper in the Pharao project from 1994 till 1995. He had met his future partner Kyra in München in 1993, as he was still member of Splash. He introduced former football player Raz Ma Taz so that he could become E-rotic's rapper. In 1995 he was replaced by Eric Martin after he left Pharao to create the Blue Tribe project.
He has a Corean-Indian symbol of energy tatooed on the shoulder. While being as member of Pharao project, he owned a python called Masiah (or Massai). Ponctuality was not exactly his best quality, according to his former partner Kyra.
He contributed to Odyssey's single Talk To Me under his real name MD Thomas, to a track on Garfield's album entitled Catwalk, and did raps on E-rotic's debut hit Max Don't Have Sex. He could also be featured on Aquarius - It Feels Like Summer (same producers as the Pharao proect), but this needs to be verified.
2004 : he co-wrote lyrics on DJ R. Gee's You're Beautiful To Me.
2005 : Deon, under the name Daddy D, joined DJ Murphy Brown for the single Don't Stop The Rock 2.5. Previously, Murphy Brown had recorded a cover of the famous Axel F theme, in collaboration with Captain Hollywood.
Thanks to WebDJs
Deon Blue biography was last updated Fri, August 23rd 2024
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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